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DPP | DPP Shanxi Provincial Committee Research Group Visits DPP Xinzhou Municipal Committee for Research

Information source: Shanxi Provincial Committee of the People's Republic of China Press Released on: May 23, 2024 17:13 Number of readers: second

On May 17, Mi Xiaodong, deputy chairman of the Democratic Progressive Shanxi Provincial Committee, led a team to the Democratic Progressive Xinzhou Municipal Committee for a survey and discussion on the implementation of the work of the "internal supervision" theme year and the standardization construction of grass-roots organizations. Wang Haiying, vice chairman of Xinzhou CPPCC and chairman of Xinzhou Municipal Committee for People's Progress, presided over the symposium.

Niu Yanzhi, secretary-general of the provincial committee and head of the organization department, introduced the purpose and significance of the survey, and Wang Haiying, chairman of the committee, introduced the work of the municipal committee in the theme year and the standardization construction of grass-roots organizations. Liu Zhuzhu, the chairman of the 10th Central Committee Branch of Minjin Xinzhou City, Yang Qinglian, the chairman of the Cultural Branch of Minjin Xinzhou City, and Qin Xilin, the chairman of the 8th Central Committee Branch of Minjin Xinfu District, made speeches around the theme of the meeting.

In his speech, Mi Xiaodong fully affirmed the new look and new actions of the Xinzhou Municipal Committee of the People's Republic of China in promoting the theme year work and the standardization construction of grass-roots organizations. He pointed out that Xinzhou DPP has the following characteristics in the standardization construction of grass-roots organizations: first, focus on consensus building and form a normal state under the guidance of education; Second, pay attention to the performance of duties, and their own value is increasingly prominent; The third is to focus on the construction of positions and carry out the work with vivid voice. He hoped that in the standardization construction of grass-roots organizations, first, strengthen the overall function of the organization, create a strong leadership group, and improve leadership and execution; Second, we should strengthen the vitality of the organization and learn from the grass-roots organizations directly under the province The working mode of "interconnection and interaction" is to strengthen the communication and connection between grassroots organizations, so as to truly make grassroots organizations move and live; Third, we should reflect our responsibility, adhere to the problem orientation, improve the working system, improve the working mechanism, enhance the ability to perform our duties, and better meet the needs of the development of the cause of multi-party cooperation.

During their stay in Xinzhou, the research team visited Minjin Xinzhou Cultural Branch and Minjin Xinfu District Committee Construction of "Minjin Jiayuan".

Zhou Ge, the second level inspector of the provincial Party committee, the director of the Office of the Internal Oversight Committee, and Guo Peng, the deputy director of the Organization Department and the third level researcher, participated in the survey. Wen Xuxia, deputy chairman of the Minjin Xinzhou Municipal Committee and deputy head of Baode County People's Government, Zhao Zhiying, secretary general of the Minjin Xinzhou Municipal Committee, Li Manyuan, chairman of the Minjin Xinfu District Committee and director of the Xinfu District Cultural Center, Duan Jianjun, chairman of the Minjin Xinzhou No. 1 Middle School Branch, Lu Xiaoyan, chairman of the three branches directly under the Minjin Xinzhou Municipal Government, Jia Yangang, member of the organization committee of the Minjin Xinzhou No. 10 Middle School Branch, and others attended the forum.

Writer: Yan Jingwei