The President (Enlarged) Meeting and the Second Council Meeting of Shanxi Provincial Shanxi Culture Protection, Inheritance and Innovation Promotion Association were held

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC Daily Published on: 2024-04-17 15:29 Number of readers: second

four month twelve On October 1, the chairman (enlarged) meeting and the second meeting of the Council of Shanxi Provincial Association for the Protection, Inheritance and Innovation of Shanxi Culture were held. Lei Jianguo, President of Shanxi Provincial Association for the Promotion of Shanxi Culture Protection, Inheritance and Innovation, and Director of the Culture, History and Learning Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, presided over and delivered a speech.

The meeting reviewed and approved the Shanxi Provincial Association for the Promotion of Shanxi Culture Protection, Inheritance and Innovation two thousand and twenty-four Key points of work in the year "," Standards and Management Measures for Collection of Membership Fees of Shanxi Province Shanxi Culture Protection, Inheritance and Innovation Promotion Association "," Working Rules of Shanxi Province Shanxi Culture Protection, Inheritance and Innovation Promotion Association (Trial) ".

The meeting stressed that Xi Jinping's cultural thought is a theoretical summary of the practical experience of the Party's leadership culture construction in the new era. The Promotion Association should study and implement it in depth and implement it in work practice, deeply understand its spiritual essence, firm the correct political direction, shoulder the cultural mission of the new era, and promote the protection, inheritance and innovation of Shanxi's culture in our province to produce new achievements and create new achievements. The compilation and publication project of Shanxi Guobao Series and Shanxi Historical and Cultural Celebrity Series was launched to comprehensively display Shanxi's profound cultural heritage. Focusing on the in-depth research and wide dissemination of Shanxi merchants' culture, we will promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Shanxi merchants' culture. It is necessary to strengthen the self construction of the Association, improve the service level and work efficiency, attract more professional institutions and people of insight to join in, and make greater contributions to telling good stories of Shanxi, spreading good voices of Shanxi, and showing good characteristics of Shanxi. (Li Jia)