Li Xiaobo led a team to investigate in Jinzhong

Information source: Office Time: 2021-05-23 23:52 Number of readers: second

    5 From January 17 to 20, Li Xiaobo, vice chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, led a team to Jinzhong City to conduct research on investment promotion, improving public cultural services, red tourism and other work, held a symposium to listen to opinions and suggestions, and went deep into Yuci District, Zuoquan County, Yushe County, Taigu District and other places to investigate.

Li Xiaobo pointed out that helping to attract investment is one of the three key tasks assigned by the provincial party committee to the CPPCC this year, and it is the specific action of the CPPCC to serve the transformation and development. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the overall thinking and requirements of the provincial party committee of "four for four high and two synchronous", adhere to the transformation as the key link and the project as the king, deepen the work linkage of the provincial, municipal and county level CPPCC, focus on the advantages of the CPPCC, play a functional role, continue to increase investment attraction efforts, and actively promote targeted investment. The CPPCC at the grass-roots level should focus on matters involving the vital interests of the people, organize face-to-face consultations, enhance the sense of gain of the people in solving problems and rationalizing emotions, pool ideological consensus, and contribute to the strength of the CPPCC in Jinzhong for the transformation and development of our province.

Li Xiaobo pointed out that to better protect people's cultural rights and interests, it is urgent to improve the level of public cultural services. We should adhere to the people centered development philosophy, always ensure that cultural development is for the people, depends on the people, and the fruits of cultural development are shared by the people. We should constantly improve the level of public cultural services, focus on improving people's cultural well-being, and ensure that people's cultural rights and interests are more fully and effectively protected.

Li Xiaobo pointed out that Shanxi has a profound history of red culture. We need to expand and refine red tourism, build a red hometown, attract more tourists to Shanxi to appreciate red history and receive education on the history of the Party.