Xu Guangguo Attends the Disabled Activity of "Serving the People" of CPPCC Members

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC Daily Published on: 2024-05-16 08:42 Number of readers: second

On page thirty-four individual National Handicap Day As we approach, five month fifteen The proposal committee of the provincial CPPCC, in conjunction with the provincial federation of trade unions, carried out the performance of CPPCC members Serve the people Xu Guangguo, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, attended the disability assistance activities.

During the activity, the members felt the development achievements of the cause for the disabled and the service for the disabled in our province on the spot, visited the school of the Special Education Center in Xinghualing District of Taiyuan City and the Provincial Rehabilitation Research Center, investigated and understood the actual needs of the disabled and the current situation of service supply, interacted with the representatives of the disabled at the grass-roots level, made love donations, and created a good atmosphere of respect, care and help for the disabled.

Xu Guangguo stressed that the disabled are equal members of the social family and need special attention from all walks of life. CPPCC members should improve their positions and perform their duties with high quality Serve the people , practice CPPCC for the People We should go deep into the reality at the grass-roots level to do practical things for the masses, do a good job and solve problems; We should actively assume social responsibility, pay attention to and care for the vulnerable groups in society, and let the groups with special difficulties share the fruits of economic and social development; We should give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC system, use our heart and feelings to make suggestions and build consensus, and contribute wisdom and strength to the high-quality development and modernization of Shanxi. (Bai Jianghong)