Yan Chenxi deeply contacted private enterprises for research

Information source: Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee Published on: April 22, 2024 08:12 Number of readers: second

On April 19, Yan Chenxi, vice chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, investigated the private enterprise he contacted, Shanxi Huifeng Xingye Coking Coal Group Co., Ltd. Guo Yuxi, director of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Li Zhonggui and Zhao Jing, members of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, and Gong Tiangang, members of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, attended the event.

At the company's Xishan Changfeng City Suburb Park project site, Yan Chenxi carefully listened to the introduction of Cao Ye, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee and head of the company, and made a field visit to such industrial projects as the global warehouse homestay, tent camp, boutique resort hotel, sports park, etc., to understand in detail the enterprise's production and operation, market expansion, business layout, etc, Carefully inquire about the difficulties and problems encountered in the development of enterprises, encourage enterprises to adhere to the road of high-quality development, and constantly enhance their market competitiveness.

Yan Chenxi pointed out that the provincial party committee and government insisted "Two unswervingly", always attach great importance to the development of private enterprises, and carry out in-depth special rectification of new officials ignoring old accounts, policies failing to honor, and arrears of private enterprise accounts. The business environment of our province continues to improve. We should conscientiously implement the working system of leading cadres contacting private enterprises, listen to the voice of enterprises, understand their demands, help enterprises to relieve difficulties, actively coordinate with relevant parties to implement preferential policies for enterprises, and promote enterprises to become better, bigger and stronger. Enterprises should always be confident in development, actively seize development opportunities, keep the bottom line of safe development, speed up industrial transformation and development, dare to assume social responsibilities, and inject new impetus and add new momentum to promote high-quality development in our province. (Ji Weifeng)