Yan Chenxi Visits Members of the Provincial CPPCC Federation of Trade Unions

Information source: Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee Published on: 2024-03-05 08:44 Number of readers: second

two month twenty-nine On October th, Yan Chenxi, vice chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, led some members and staff of the Social Legal System Committee to visit Luo Kejiahua Electronic Industrial Park and Cai Ning, member of the CPPCC Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and held a meeting Committee House The licensing ceremony. Guo Yuxi, director of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, attended.

Yan Chenxi fully affirmed the achievements of Cai Ning based on her work position, giving full play to her role as a member, and performing her duties and dedication at both posts. He emphasized that building Committee House It is an important task to implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, an inevitable requirement to practice the people centered development thought, and an inherent meaning of the CPPCC to perform its duties for the people. We should thoroughly study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC, further clarify our responsibilities, strengthen our responsibilities, and focus on implementation, and effectively enhance our sense of responsibility and mission to do a good job of connecting and serving the masses in different sectors. To accurately grasp Committee House Functional orientation: give full play to the expertise and resource advantages of CPPCC members, and give full play to the leading role of members in their own work, the representative role of the masses, and the main role of CPPCC members in their work. We should adhere to strengthening theoretical armed forces, adhere to the correct political direction, adhere to the mass line, adhere to highlighting the characteristics of sectors, adhere to the practical effect, and promote high-quality Committee House Construction. The special committee should strengthen Committee House Specific guidance and help in work, constantly improve the quality and efficiency of the work of the committee members to contact the masses in different sectors, and truly Committee House It will become a new carrier for learning and exchange, a new platform for consultation and discussion of government affairs, a new bridge for unity and friendship, and a new window for showing style. (Lai Zhenyu)