Wang Liwei Attends the Work Symposium of Provincial and Municipal CPPCC Agriculture and Rural Committees in 2024

Information source: Agriculture and Rural Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee Published on: 2024-03-31 06:53 Number of readers: second

three month twenty-six Solstice twenty-seven Day, two thousand and twenty-four In, the provincial and municipal CPPCC agricultural and rural committee work symposium was held in Datong. Wang Liwei, vice chairman of the provincial CPPCC, attended and delivered a speech. Wu Hongwen, director of the provincial CPPCC agricultural and rural committee, presided over the symposium.

At the symposium, the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping during the National Two Sessions and the spirit of the National Two Sessions, as well as the spirit of the Central and Provincial Party Committee's Rural Work Conference, were conveyed and studied. Relevant leaders of Datong introduced the economic and social development and Agriculture, countryside and farmers Wang Xiaodong, Deputy Director of the Agricultural and Rural Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, reported the work of the Agricultural and Rural Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee two thousand and twenty-three Annual performance and two thousand and twenty-four In the arrangement of key work in, the CPPCC of Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong, Jincheng, Linfen and other cities made exchange speeches.

After carefully listening to the speech at the conference, Wang Liwei pointed out that in recent years, Datong has thoroughly studied and implemented the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on Shanxi's work, resolutely implemented the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and made efforts to build a bridgehead for Shanxi's connection with Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. The comprehensive strength and competitiveness of the city have soared, especially the promotion of drip irrigation under film Facilities vegetables and other technologies, out of a dry and cold area special ”“ excellent A new way of high-quality agricultural development.

Wang Liwei fully affirmed the work of the Provincial and Municipal CPPCC Agricultural and Rural Committees. He pointed out that the agricultural and rural committees of the provincial and municipal CPPCC committees, centering on the center, serving the overall situation and conscientiously performing their duties, had handed over an excellent answer sheet that was well linked from top to bottom, well communicated with departments, well served members, well arranged work, and well evaluated by all parties. He stressed that the agricultural and rural committees of the provincial and municipal CPPCC should learn and apply Ten million project Experience, strive to take the lead, lead in in-depth research, reflect social conditions and public opinions, and serve the performance of the committee members, and offer advice and suggestions in coordinating urban and rural integrated development, promoting farmers' income and becoming rich, so as to contribute to helping our province comprehensively promote rural revitalization.

During the meeting, participants also went to Datong Shanxi Yifa Tongcheng Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. and Forget Worry Farm for field visits. (Li Qi)