The seventh group of the Xi Jinping Learning Panel on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era of the CPPCC Provincial Committee held a learning forum and Wang Lei attended the first plenary meeting of the Ethnic and Religious Committee

Information source: Shanxi CPPCC website Published on: 2023-03-29 20:50 Number of readers: second

three month twenty-nine The first session of the CPPCC Provincial Committee's Xi Jinping Learning Panel on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era seven The first quarter of the Group's learning forum and the first plenary meeting of the Ethnic and Religious Committee were held at the same time. Wang Lei, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhao Shengli, director of the People's and Religious Affairs Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, four Four members made exchange speeches focusing on in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and in combination with their work performance. Comrades in charge of the relevant work institutions of the CPPCC Provincial Committee gave special guidance to the proposal and the work of reflecting social conditions and public opinion information.

Wang Lei stressed that the members of the committee should deeply study and understand the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping during the National Two Sessions and the spirit of the National Two Sessions, combine with the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and combine with the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on strengthening and improving national work and important statements on religious work, In accordance with the deployment of the provincial party committee and the requirements of the CPPCC provincial party group, we will comprehensively promote the high-quality development of the CPPCC national and religious work. We should closely adhere to the sense of building a community of the Chinese nation and adhere to the orientation of Chinese religion. We should conduct in-depth research and consultation, actively advise on government affairs, do our best to expand consensus and rally people's minds, gather the wisdom and strength of the people in the ethnic and religious circles, seek the greatest common denominator, and draw the largest concentric circle. To be fully implemented The requirements of "understanding CPPCC, meeting consultation, good governance, discipline, discipline and moral integrity" fully demonstrate the era style of CPPCC members who faithfully perform their duties and fulfill their responsibilities for the people. (Wang Tao)