Liao Jian, member of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee: Fulfill his duties and offer good strategies for development based on online information

Information source: Economic Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee Time: 2024-03-27 19:23 Number of readers: second

Fulfill duties and offer good strategies To seek development based on network information

Member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and General Manager of Shanxi Mobile   Liao build

Since being elected as a member of the CPPCC, Liao Jianque has abided by the responsibilities of members and insisted CPPCC for the People We actively participate in various activities, actively offer advice and suggestions, strive to make achievements in the field of information and communication, and demonstrate our responsibility in serving the people.

1、 Keep a firm political direction and comprehensively improve political ability

Strengthening theoretical study and improving self quality is the prerequisite for fulfilling the duties of committee members. As the secretary of the Party Committee of Shanxi Mobile, Liao Jian firmly established the idea that learning is the only way to perform his duties and must learn to perform his duties, deeply studied the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and strictly implemented it First topic Systems, high standards to promote theme education, unremittingly use the party's innovative theory to solidify the heart and forge the soul, and truly transform Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era into a powerful force to strengthen the ideal, temper the party spirit, guide practice, and promote work. Liao Jian said: China Mobile is in the Two to be stronger, better and bigger The key intersection point of Shanxi Mobile is the main force of building a scientific and technological power, a network power, and a digital China. As a resident organization in Shanxi, Shanxi Mobile must be integrated into the province's major mission of implementing transformation and upgrading, energy revolution, ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin. As a Party cadre, I must share the concerns of the Party, fulfill my responsibilities for the country, and contribute to the people. I must practice my loyalty and love for the Party and the people by taking practical actions to bear hardships, difficulties, burdens, and risks. Under the guidance of firm belief, Liao Jianming confirmed that Shanxi Mobile Customer satisfaction, value creation, brand recognition, employee development And put forward Adhere to the leadership of the Party, fulfill the responsibility of central enterprises, integrate into Shanxi's strategy, and serve the transformation and development To lead all cadres and employees to actively integrate into Shanxi's economic and social development and improve people's livelihood Government Shouxin, industry leader, customer first choice, innovation leader We strive to make Shanxi Mobile the most respected model enterprise of digital intelligence in Sanjin.

2、 Take the initiative to investigate and make suggestions, and earnestly perform the duties of the committee members

Since he was elected a member of the CPPCC, Liao Jian has attached great importance to investigating and studying the family heirloom We will listen to the opinions and suggestions from inside and outside the industry, and provide advice for the high-quality development of Shanxi. In terms of building a research mechanism, He innovated and put forward the three-stage and seven step method of investigation and research, vigorously practiced the front-line work method, and promoted the systematization, standardization and scientization of investigation and research methods. two thousand and twenty-three Throughout the year, he spent more than fifty Days, visited manufacturing enterprises such as Linfen Huaxiang, universities such as Taiyuan University of Technology, partners such as Huawei, and leading enterprises outside the province to carry out research and exchange thirty-seven Times. In terms of advice and suggestions, Liao Jian actively participated in various activities organized by the Economic Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee. two thousand and twenty-three year five In April, he went to Xinzhou with Vice Chairman Li Xiaobo Accelerate the construction of specialized towns and promote the development of county economy Special research; stay two thousand and twenty-four At the provincial CPPCC meeting in, he closely followed the national development trend and focused on Expand the advantages of computing power and computing network, speed up the cultivation of new quality productivity Make a proposal speech on the theme, and propose to build a computing network Large small micro Create a new pattern of circulation Jinsuan Brand, accelerate promotion Eastern Mathematical Calculation To drive the transformation and high-quality development of traditional industries; Since this year, Liao Jian has participated in Cultivate and strengthen the intelligent industry and accelerate the intelligent development Special research group, taking the lead Market demand and application scenario expansion Sub topic, led a team to carry out special research in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places, and went deep into think tanks and innovative enterprises such as ICT Institute, Shangtang Technology, iFLYTEK, etc 5G+ towards AI+ Extend and expand the integration and innovation achievements, and analyze how artificial intelligence can Compose a poem To do thousands of things work Change. Liao Jian actively studied hot and focus issues and submitted research reports, social conditions, public opinions and proposals. Against the backdrop of the overall acceleration of the intelligent construction of coal mines in our province, Liao Jian organized teams to go to the coal enterprise groups and mine lines in Taiyuan, Datong, Luliang, Changzhi, Shuozhou and other five cities for in-depth research Submit a research report to the CPPCC for the theme, and put forward suggestions from policy traction, standard formulation, talent training, industrial cooperation, intellectual property protection, safety supervision and other aspects to encourage the coal industry to accelerate the process of intelligent development.

3、 Serve digital Shanxi, and build a solid foundation of digital intelligence for our province to cultivate new quality productivity and promote new industrialization

Liao Jian led all cadres and staff of Shanxi Mobile to systematically grasp the trend of digitalization, networking and intelligence, and work together Two new models And actively integrate and serve the overall situation of Shanxi's transformation and development. First, strengthen the basic network capacity, and build the system to 5G New information infrastructure focusing on computing power network and middle platform two thousand and twenty-three At the end of the year, Shanxi Mobile successfully closed 5G build Five changes to three Speed up the task and complete the construction 5G base station four point seven six 10000 seats per capita 5G The number of base stations ranks first in central provinces; Assist Taiyuan, Datong, etc seven Individual cities were rated nationwide Gigabit city The online operation of China Mobile (Taiyuan, Shanxi) Intelligent Computing Center has laid a solid foundation of computing infrastructure for Shanxi Province to cultivate new quality productivity; Create a new model based on big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies Ability Supermarket , gathering internal and external high-value capabilities one thousand one hundred and six Item, two thousand and twenty-three Annual call volume reaches five thousand eight hundred and seven Billion times. Second, enhance the supply of information services and innovate connect + Arithmetical force + ability New information service system. Deepen information integration and innovation, and actively integrate coal electric count yield Value added chain, comprehensive service transformation and upgrading, energy revolution, ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin 5G , application projects in computing network industry two thousand We will promote the demonstration effect of smart mines, smart manufacturing, smart cities, and smart healthcare, and comprehensively enable the digital and intelligent transformation of the production mode, lifestyle, and governance mode of our province.

4、 Adhere to serving the people and deeply practice social responsibility

Liao Jian said: Performing social responsibility is not only my responsibility as a member of the CPPCC, but also the glorious mission of Shanxi Mobile. He insisted People first Carry out a series of activities such as General Manager's reception day, service to thousands of homes, inspection to thousands of enterprises, and devote to providing Comfortable, intimate and warm Service experience; Comprehensively promote Speed up and cost reduction In recent years, the unit price of dedicated lines has declined 44% . The unit price of traffic decreases 80% Deeply implement the rural revitalization strategy and provide targeted assistance eighty-two Selected by villages one hundred and seventy-nine Village cadres two thousand and twenty-three The provincial SASAC and China Mobile Group won the good The highest evaluation of; Continue to crack down on telecom network fraud, and cooperate with the public security organs to eliminate fraud related gangs three hundred More than; Helping public welfare communication, two thousand and twenty-three Send public service SMS eight point five Hundred million; Do a good job in emergency communication, ensure smooth communication during the freezing disaster in the south of our province in the fourth quarter, and help Beijing and Hebei win the battle of communication support for flood control and disaster relief. He insisted Employee oriented take Employee development Listed in the company's high-quality development goals, and carried out various trainings three More than ten thousand person times, organized thousands of people from provinces, cities, counties and grids to go out to study, enhanced their innovative thinking ability and improved their working skills; implementation Heart warming project Improve the office environment of employees and equip them with refrigerators, induction cookers and other facilities to enhance their sense of happiness and gain in an all-round way; Provide the employees' children with a big gift package for the middle school and college entrance examination, carry out child custody in winter and summer vacation, and promote ideological and political work three four five The working method injects new elements and new perceptions into the warm care of employees' career.

There is no end to innovation, and it is time to forge ahead. Liao Jian said that he would continue to strengthen theoretical learning, strengthen ties with the people, constantly deepen the understanding of the work of the CPPCC, lead all cadres and employees of Shanxi Mobile, play three roles, fulfill three major responsibilities, integrate and serve the overall situation of Shanxi in an all-round way, and put forward more valuable opinions and suggestions for the economic and social development of our province, Contribution to Shanxi's Practice of Promoting Chinese style Modernization in Our Province Mobile power