The second group of "members' home" of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee carried out visits and research activities

Information source: Economic Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee Published on: April 18, 2024 17:36 Number of readers: second

four month seventeen Yin Jianying, deputy director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee, attended the second group of the Committee's Home "Walk into Dongchang Industry" to visit and investigate. Li Yaying, Feng Lin, Yang Jianxin and Yang Zhixin, members of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, Wang Le and Guo Liping, experts of the CPPCC Provincial Think Tank, Liu Xia, a first level investigator of the committee's work office, and Liu Wenqing, director of the Economic Commission Office, attended the event.

Before the symposium, the delegation led by Yin Jianying visited Dongchang Industrial Co., Ltd. on the spot to deeply understand the market demand, product types, production processes, technological innovation, business conditions, etc. of Dongchang Industrial. At the symposium, committee member Yang Zhixin focused on The "Three Decades of Dongchang Industry" reported on the performance of the committee members and the operation of the enterprise. The committee member Li Yaying made a report on the performance of the committee members around the development of the advertising industry in Shanxi Province and giving play to the exemplary and leading role of the committee members. The committee members and think tank experts put forward suggestions based on the problems encountered in the development of the two enterprises.

Yin Jianying pointed out in the interactive exchange that under the leadership of the group leader Li Yaying, the second group of the members' home conscientiously implemented the specific requirements of the CPPCC Provincial Committee to strengthen the construction of the members' team and the Administrative Measures of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee to Establish the Members' Home, enriched the content of activities, innovated the forms of activities, firmly walked in the forefront, worked hard, and promoted the activities of the members' home to go deep and practical, It mobilized the enthusiasm of the members to perform their duties for the Party, the country, and the people, and gathered a strong impetus for solid performance of duties to help high-quality economic development. In the future activities, it is necessary to strengthen the ideological and political guidance and gather ideological consensus as the primary task, and work hard on learning and training; We should take the transformation and development of services and high-quality development as the fundamental requirements, and gather consensus on solving problems in research; We should learn from experience, highlight characteristics, seek practical results, and seek practical results in creating event brands; It is necessary to guide the member enterprises to adhere to the legal operation and market-oriented operation, take the intelligent, green and low-carbon as the guide, take the specialized, special and new development road, carry out in-depth scientific and technological innovation, technological innovation, management innovation, and set an example in improving quality and efficiency. (Liu Shan)