How much is the general rent of Joy City

Release time: 2022-06-16 09:43:29 Follow: 0 Source: Global Shop Network

For people engaged in physical store business, the rent is equivalent to a relatively large expense. Select the store in a reasonable location, have a stable flow of people, and after operating for a period of time, the funds can be withdrawn. Joy City is a rapidly developing urban complex, which can meet people's one-stop shopping needs with the combination of various business types. Naturally, it attracts many entrepreneurs' attention. How much is the general rent of Joy City?

 Rent of Joy City

Rent of Joy City

Joy City is the flagship brand of commercial real estate built by the headquarters group, mainly focusing on large-scale shopping centers, including apartment buildings, residential areas, office buildings, hotels and other multi combination full-service urban complexes. In the development process of the shopping center, it is mainly characterized by youth, fashion and fashion, and 18-35 years old as the target consumer group, bringing people a new urban fashion lifestyle, which is strongly welcomed by young consumers. Joy City has a requirement for site selection. It needs to be the core business district of the city, so the store rent will also be higher. For example, the rent of Xidan Joy City is about 1100 yuan/square meter; The rent of Chaobei Joy City is about 1300 yuan/square meter, and the specific cost should be analyzed according to the actual situation.

 Rent of Joy City

Introduction to Joy City

The overall design of Joy City adopts a unique spatial layout, and every detail is carefully designed. The elegant flying stairs have become the characteristics of the square trend, and are welcomed by young consumers. Xidan Joy City, as one of the main local business districts, has become a major shopping place with a daily passenger flow of more than 200000 people. The integration of shopping, catering, entertainment, leisure, culture and other themes can well combine the trend with fashion. Large children's parks are dedicated to creating high-quality shopping places.

How much is the general rent of Joy City? Due to the different development of the urban area where Joy City is located, the store scale, business type and other factors, the rent is also different, and there is no accurate figure to measure it. The specific situation should be analyzed according to the actual situation. Joy City has a strong influence and an integrated service type, which is welcomed by more and more consumers. Leasing shops here will achieve good development.

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