What is good for bottom merchants

Release time: 2022-06-18 07:35:55 Follow: 0 Source: Global Shop Network

At present, most of the communities have set up shops in the process of development and construction, with various types of shops to meet the daily life needs of the community. Because the population of residential area is relatively stable, with the increasing number of residents, the development space of the store will gradually increase, so many people are interested in the development prospect of the bottom business. So, what's better for bottom merchants?

 Convenience Store

1. Convenience store

It is believed that all residents living in the community should know that it is really inconvenient to be considerate without a large shopping center, and people are lazy to buy some things in the mall, so the convenience store at the bottom of the community has become a store where people often shop. To run a convenience store, the area required is not very large. A space of 20-30 square meters can be started. The geographical location must be good, and the things in the store must be neatly placed.

2. Dried Fruit Snack Shop

If you set up a snack shop in the community, you will surely attract more customers. In supermarkets, convenience stores and shopping malls, people can always find that traditional snacks, such as melon seeds, peanuts, cold fruits and prunes, occupy an important position. The sales of biscuits, beef jerky, preserved fruits and other snacks in the store have been relatively stable.

3. Fresh fruit and vegetable store

Vegetables are one of the essential foods in people's life. Vegetables can provide the human body with a variety of vitamins, minerals, crude fiber and other nutrients. According to the statistics of the International Food and Agriculture Organization for Substances, most of the vitamins needed by the human body are derived from vegetables. It can be said that vegetables are inseparable from people's daily meals. Opening a fruit and vegetable store can be a long-term business.

 Breakfast Shop

4. Breakfast Shop

With the continuous improvement of people's concept of healthy diet, more and more attention has been paid to breakfast. The demand of the breakfast market continues to grow every year, and opening a distinctive breakfast shop can achieve considerable development.

What is good for bottom merchants? The article introduces four good projects, of course, there are many, which can be selected according to the actual situation of the market. For different projects, the size of the store area is different, and the amount of capital to be prepared in the early stage is also different. First, we should study the market, which will be helpful for the future operation and development.

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