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Male 1 Teacher Wang Click to listen

 Studio of Chongqing Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 2 Teacher Liu (audition)

 Studio of Zhengzhou Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 3 Teacher Ma (audition)

 Studio of Shijiazhuang Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 4 Teacher Chen (audition)

 Wuhan Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Male 5 Mr. Lei (audition)

 Studio of Shenyang Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 6 Teacher Wu (audition)

 Studio of Changsha Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 7 Teacher Zhang (audition)

 Jinan Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Male 8 Teacher Bi (audition)

 Changchun Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Male 9 Teacher Liu (audition)

 Guangzhou Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
10 Teacher Zhang (audition)

 Studio of Nanchang Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
11 Teacher Dai (audition)

 Studio of Taiyuan Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
12 Teacher Xia (audition)

 Studio of Haikou Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
13 Miss Gu (audition)

 Studio of Chengdu Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Female 1, Miss Li click Audition

 Female voice dubbing of dignified advertisement
Female 2, Miss Gu (audition)

 Studio of Harbin Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Female 3, Miss Liu (audition)

 Fuzhou Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Female Teacher 4 Jiang (audition)

 Studio of Nanjing Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Female 5, Miss Li (audition)

 Hefei Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
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···· ···· Teaching video of prevention and control measures for mountain torrents in China (pure commentary)
  With the river bank collapsed, the flood roaring, the mountain rock crumbled, the farmland turned barren, the entire city and village destroyed and buried, mountain torrent disaster causes great property losses. Large numbers of victims are displaced or even lose their lives.
  Mountain torrents refer to flood rising and falling abruptly in rivers and channels among mountain areas, accompanied by landslide, collapse and debris flow, caused by rainstorm and ice-melting.
  Mountain torrent disasters include the casualties caused by brook and river floods, debris flow, landslides, damage of property, infrastructure, and environmental resources. They generally feature the following characteristics:
  Significantly seasonal variation, high frequency, and concentrating in flood season.
  Regionality and occurring easily. Strong surface runoffs are likely to form in mountainous areas located in the rainstorm centre region, which causes mountain torrents and leads to disaster.
  Evolving into disaster overwhelmingly and rapidly. Due to the steep slopes of the mountains and the dense rivers and streams, the rainfall is rapidly converted into runoff with quick confluence and high velocity. Great damage can be caused in a few hours.
  Being highly destructive and causing serious damages. Mountain torrent disasters are often accompanied by landslides, collapses, debris flow, etc., resulting in river realignment, road interruption, submergence of cultivated land, building collapse and casualty.
  Due to the geographical environment, geological conditions and population distribution of China, mountain torrents are widely distributed and occurred frequently; they are abrupt and thus are difficult to predict and prevent. The prevention of mountain torrent disaster has always been a difficulty and weak link in China's flood controlling work.
  Through years of project construction and tens of billions of fund investment, China has creatively built a special system of mountain torrent disaster prevention and control, combining the professionals and mass, and basing on its national conditions, which has played a significant role in disaster prevention and mitigation.
  Working theories: people-oriented, urgent use priority
  The mountain torrent floods are abrupt, rising and falling fast. The process of one mountain torrent is short and the scope of the disaster is small and scattered, but it is easy to cause casualties. Due to the above-mentioned characteristics of mountain torrent disasters, it is unreasonable and uneconomical to take engineering measures for the personnel and property in zones of possible mountain torrent disasters. We adhere to the "people-oriented" theory and the "urgent use priority" principle, combined with national conditions and practical experience of years. We summed up the following three effective ideas for mountain flood disaster prevention.
  1.Take minimizing casualties as the primary goal
  2.Regard prevention as the main, combined with control
  3.Rely mainly on non-engineering measures such as investigation, evaluation, monitoring and pre-warning system, and public participation in monitoring and prevention; non-engineering measures are combined with engineering measures.
  Regard prevention as the main, emphasizing non-engineering measures
  Investigation evaluation
  We use small watershed as the unit of investigation. The characteristics of rainstorm, small watershed personnel distribution, socio-economy and historical mountain torrent disasters are surveyed in prevention areas for analyzing flood patterns in small watersheds, and evaluating current situation of flood control in natural villages and towns. The investigation assists to define danger zones, transfer routes and temporary resettlement sites, to scientifically determine pre-warning indicators and thresholds, and to timely and accurately release pre-warning information and safe evacuation.
  The investigation and evaluation involves many professional fields with technical difficulties. In order to ensure the quality and consistency of the basic data of the project, to strengthen local technique, to maximize resource sharing, and to reduce the total cost of the work, we adopt advanced technologies and methods, using satellite remote sensing images, digital elevation models and other data resources, to complete the extraction and processing of basic information in small watersheds, and then distribute to the provinces, cities, prefectures.
  Monitoring and pre-warning system
  To enhance a country's prevention for mountain torrent disaster, the complete monitoring and pre-warning system is the key.
  China's monitoring and pre-warning system mainly includes rainwater monitoring system, monitoring and pre-warning platforms at all levels, pre-warning release system and public service for meteorological pre-warning of mountain torrent disasters.
  According to the local transportation, communication, vegetation, topography and socio-economic conditions, taking small watershed as unit, monitoring sites are set up in the mountain torrent disaster-prone areas. Upon that the network of rainwater monitoring stations, combining automatic telemetry and artificial simple observation, are established to realize real-time monitoring of rainstorms floods.
  The monitoring and pre-warning platform uses the data and base map of the survey and evaluation, relying on information technology such as computers and networks to implement the functions of real-time rainwater information input, automatic analysis, dynamic monitoring, online inquiry, online monitoring, online pre-warning release, etc. The country, provinces, cities and prefectures have interconnected and shared information, Forming a three level mountain torrent disaster monitoring and pre warning information management system.
  The monitoring facilities of the towns and the villages pre-warning are generally simple, equipped with rainfall alarms, water level alarms, etc., shortening the pre-warning process and increasing the response time. According to the economic situation and the characteristics of mountain torrents, the prefecture-level and above can deploy more advanced and practical facilities, With higher degree of automation. The most basic one is the country level mountain flood disaster monitoring and pre warning platform.
  The pre-warning release system mainly provides pre-warning equipment for prefectures, towns and villages. pre-warning information are issued not only through traditional methods such as manual knocking, whistling, and manual alarms, but also by making full use of modern means such as SMS mass texting, cable and wireless broadcasting, and television. And special equipment for warning are also utilized, focusing on solving the "last mile" trap of pre-warning information, to ensure that pre-warning information can be rapidly and timely released and transmitted to every household.
  In the period of extreme weathers and frequent mountain torrents, it is necessary to do public service well for meteorological pre-warning of mountain torrent disasters, in order to effectively protect the lives and property of the people in the hilly areas.
  After repeated consultations, the Ministry of Water Resources and the Meteorological Bureau of China decided to strengthen the meteorological pre-warning cooperation for mountain torrent disasters. On July 15, 2015, a memorandum was signed on the joint release of meteorological warnings for mountain torrent disasters. The two departments have determined that joint meteorological warning for mountain torrent disasters would be issued during the weather forecast, when the nationwide range of weather warnings for mountain torrents above the level Ⅱ(possible) and level I (very likely) will occur in the next 24 hours. Relevant areas would be suggested to pay close attention and make full use of the existing non-engineering measures for prevention and control of mountain torrent disasters, taking precautions and reminding the public to prepare in advance.
The Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China and the Bureau of Meteorology have formulated a work plan to clarify the division of responsibilities and the release process. In the afternoon of each flood season, the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) pushes the forecast and early warning documents such as the grid point forecast of precipitation in the next 24 hours and the meteorological early warning products for mountain torrents. The Ministry of Water Resources, taking into account the terrain, geology, vegetation and other underlying surface characteristics and early warning indicators of small watersheds in the mountain flood disaster prevention area, as well as social and economic conditions such as the distribution of people's residence, based on this and in combination with the actual daily rainfall, through professional analysis and computer processing, with reference to the occurrence of historical mountain flood disasters, and through consultation and analysis with the National Meteorological Administration, Comprehensively determine the possible areas and warning levels of mountain torrents within the next 24 hours of rainfall coverage nationwide, prepare daily warning products, and timely push them to the National Meteorological Administration.
The public participation in monitoring and prevention of mountain flood disaster has distinctive Chinese characteristics. It is an extremely effective measure for mountain flood disaster prevention that has passed the test of practice.
  Public participation in monitoring and prevention is to motivate the public to engage in the monitoring and prevention, complementing the professional monitoring and pre-warning system, and jointly exerting their functions to form a mountain torrent disaster prevention system with “public-professional combination”.
  The system of public participation in monitoring and prevention includes the responsibility system, defense plan, monitoring and warning, publicity, training and exercises. The core is to establish and improve the five-level responsibility system for village households, to access the water and rain information and issue pre-warnings in time, to ensure the timely transfer of people in the danger zone, to raise awareness of risk aversion, and to minimize casualties.
  In order to guide and standardize the construction of the public participation in monitoring and prevention system, the National Office of Flood Control and Drought Relief issued the “Guiding Opinions on the Construction of the Participation in Monitoring and Prevention System”, which clearly requires the administrative villages in the mountain torrent disaster prevention and control area to meet ten requirements: establish 1 responsibility system, prepare 1 defense plan, install at least 1 simple rainfall alarm (more in key areas), configure 1 set of pre-warning equipment (1 set of wireless pre-warning broadcast in key administrative villages), make 1 publicity bulletin board, organize 1 training, and conduct 1 drill; identify 1 temporary shelter in each danger zone, set 1 set of warning signs, and issue 1 information card (including brochure) to each household.
  Relocation and management in mountainous area
  We should guide residents in low-lying areas of poor living conditions which are prone to mountain torrents to relocate, considering the urbanization needs for poverty relief. In addition, we will further standardize the human social activities in the mountainous areas, adapt them to the laws of nature, avoid risks, and restrain unreasonable human social activities which leads to mountain torrent disasters.
  Engineering measures - mainly based on torrent ditch control
  Under extreme climatic conditions, some river towns and densely populated areas are highly vulnerable to mountain torrents, resulting in casualties and destruction of houses and a large number of infrastructures. It is difficult to reduce casualties merely by non-engineering measures, thus engineering measures are required. According to the specific conditions of channels in mountain area, revetment and levee control measures should be adopted, and forming mountain torrent disaster prevention system combining non-engineering measures with engineering measures.
  The engineering measures mainly refer to torrent ditch control which targets at creek flood disaster. In key torrent ditches that directly threaten towns, concentrated settlements, and important infrastructure, and are difficult to relocate, comprehensive measures such as revetment, embankment, dredging should be adopted according to local conditions. And if necessary, river bottom protection, steep slopes, and drop are taken to defense mountain torrents, protect the residents, and reduce the loss of assets.
  In general, the mountain torrent disaster prevention and control process is mainly based on non-engineering measures such as monitoring, communication pre-warning, disaster prevention and reduction plan, policies and regulations, and management, and combines engineering measures such as torrent ditch, mudslide ditch, and landslide control.
  Before the flood season, potential threats of brook and river floods and associated disasters should be eliminated; promote the disaster prevention and control key project on torrent ditch, follow the laws of nature, arrange the construction time reasonably, complete the revetment and embankment projects before the flood season, and improve the local defense capability to meet the national flood control standards.
  Delineate the risk zone, the warning zone, and the safety zone. Set up publicity bulletins boards, wall maps, billboards, and slogans, set up warning signs and cards, publicize the knowledge of disaster prevention, and organize mass trainings and drills. Make the local residents familiar with the transfer route and temporary resettlement sites, the monitoring and pre-warning methods, and evacuation transfer plans for disasters.
  During the flood season, the national monitoring and pre-warning system enter the state of tension. Local rainwater monitoring stations conduct real-time monitoring of storm floods, and feed back the data to the prefecture-level and even the provincial and national monitoring and pre-warning platform. At the same time,   public participation in monitoring and prevention should be carried out.
  If there is a possibility of a meteorological warning of mountain torrent disasters above level II (possible) and level I (very likely) in the next 24 hours, the Ministry of Water Resources and the Meteorological Bureau will jointly issue a meteorological warning in the CCTV weather forecast program to inform people all over the country. In addition, after receiving the rainwater information, the flood control departments at all levels should carry out pre-warning transmission through television, telephone and predetermined alarm signals (gong, whistle, etc.) in the order of prefecture, town, village, group, and household.
  When the disaster is serious, after receiving emergency evacuation and transfer orders, all residents must promptly transfer according to the principle of safety and proximity. Once a mountain torrent disaster occurs, it is necessary to take people and their property as the first priority. The transfer and resettlement work should be carried out in an orderly manner according to the unified arrangement of the command posts. In the process of transfer, people are prior to properties, disadvantaged groups are prior to other people, danger zones are prior to warning zones, and personnel in charge of signal transmission and transfer must leave disaster area after others.
  Promote understanding of the patterns of mountain torrents, focusing on the integration of monitoring and pre-warning technologies
  Under the situation that the prevention and control of mountain torrents has been strengthened nationwide, the causes of mountain torrent disasters, risk assessment, monitoring and pre-warning are classified as important projects. In the Outline of the National Medium and Long Term Science and Technology Development Program (2006-2020) formulated by the State Council, mountain torrent disaster study is listed as one of the 11 key supporting areas for major natural disaster monitoring and prevention. It is clearly stated that the research focus in this field is: development of key technologies of monitoring, pre-warning and emergency response for earthquakes, typhoons, rainstorms, floods, geological disasters, and comprehensive risk analysis and assessment techniques for major natural disasters. The purpose is to closely integrate with the national major ecological management projects, to improve the research and demonstration of ecological protection technology, to improve the forecasting and emergency response capability. Break through in the key technologies of monitoring, forecasting and emergency management can effectively provide technical support for disaster mitigation.
  During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China established the supporting program for “Technical Methods for Monitoring and Pre-warning and Risk Assessment of Geological Disasters”. The program studied regional distribution and activity characteristics, formation mechanism, risk assessment methods and risk zoning for mountain torrent disasters, and studied monitoring and pre-warning of local heavy rainfall and water regime in small watershed.
  “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” has witnessed that the Ministry of Science and Technology listed “Monitoring , Pre-warning and Prevention of Major Natural Disasters” as national key project. The goal is to meet the national strategic needs for monitoring, pre-warning and prevention of mountain torrent disasters throughout the country, focusing on the construction of a multi-element monitoring technology system for mountain torrents, accurately forecasting the heavy rainfall and torrents in mountainous areas, formulating multi-scale torrential rainstorm thresholds, improving forecasting and pre-warning capabilities and emergency response and reducing the risk of mountain torrent disasters.
  The Ministry of Water Resources, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other ministries and commissions have organized special projects of public welfare and natural science funds, and have conducted research on the understanding of mountain torrent patterns and the integration of mountain torrent disaster monitoring and pre-warning technologies.
  People's lives and property are more important than everything else. The prevention and control of mountain torrents should be based on prevention, and combining with control, minimizing casualties and property losses. This is to guarantee the construction of a harmonious society in the hilly areas and to promote the coordinated development of the social and economic environment.
  Although China's mountain flood disaster prevention and control work has achieved remarkable accomplishments, it is still in its infancy, and still has a long way to go, requiring long-term investment and continuous improving. We will continue to perfect the prevention and control system of mountain torrents with Chinese characteristics, actively exchange knowledge with countries around the world, explore more effective measures, comprehensively improve the defensive capabilities for mountain torrents, and hold the " umbrella of life" for people.

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