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two hundred and six million six hundred and sixty-two thousand and twenty-four

Male 1 Teacher Wang Click to listen

 Studio of Chongqing Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 2 Teacher Liu (audition)

 Studio of Zhengzhou Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 3 Teacher Ma (audition)

 Studio of Shijiazhuang Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 4 Teacher Chen (audition)

 Wuhan Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Male 5 Mr. Lei (audition)

 Studio of Shenyang Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 6 Teacher Wu (audition)

 Studio of Changsha Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 7 Teacher Zhang (audition)

 Jinan Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Male 8 Teacher Bi (audition)

 Changchun Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Male 9 Teacher Liu (audition)

 Guangzhou Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
10 Teacher Zhang (audition)

 Studio of Nanchang Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
11 Teacher Dai (audition)

 Studio of Taiyuan Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
12 Teacher Xia (audition)

 Studio of Haikou Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
13 Miss Gu (audition)

 Studio of Chengdu Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Female 1, Miss Li click Audition

 Female voice dubbing of dignified advertisement
Female 2, Miss Gu (audition)

 Studio of Harbin Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Female 3, Miss Liu (audition)

 Fuzhou Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Female Teacher 4 Jiang (audition)

 Studio of Nanjing Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Female 5, Miss Li (audition)

 Hefei Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
please spot hit Small chart slice try hear

···· ···· "Her daughter screamed when she failed to go to the second floor
"Dad! where are you?!
Where are you, dad
Extra High dubbing
Dubbing "" The sobbing sound of fear and fear is not loud, and I want to shout, but I am afraid of the surrounding environment, but I do not shout too loudly. Having a feeling of grievance.
  Low sobbing with a fear, want to shout aloud but end up with a low shouting, showing a sense of grievance."
"The strange man in the lobby whispers
The strange man whistling at the lobby
Strange Man
Voice "" You...... Finally...... Come back
  You... Returned... finally. ""
  (Lack of strength for the largish age)
  (Unvoiced sound like a ghost)(breathy voice like a ghost)"
"Tea room maids attack players dubbing 1
Dubbing 1-the old maidervant attaching the player in the tea room
Old Maidservant
  Voice"    ".... The Yan family cannot tolerate you
  …The Yins cannot be tolerant of you!... "" (Qisheng pronunciation, imitating ghosts,)
  (Ferocious and weird unvoiced sound) (Exhale in a low voice……twice)(Unvoiced sound like a ghost)(breathy voice like a ghost)"
"The daughter in the tea room saves her father
Voice Dad
  Powerful shout"
"Treasure room daughter and player dialogue dubbing 1
Player Voice
Voice "" Cute?
  Mengmeng? "" (eager)
"Treasure room daughter and player dialogue dubbing 2
"Dad! I was scared!
I'm scared, dad! ". Although afraid, but very strong.
  Cry by talking not too fast and pretend to be strong though fearful. "
"Treasure room daughter and player dialogue dubbing 6
Player Voice
Voice Dad went to find the key
Don't be afraid, Mengmeng... I'm trying to find the key... ""
  (Try to comfort)"
"Treasure room daughter and player dialogue dubbing 5
"Dad And my rabbit
Don't forget to find me the rabbit, dad
  Weep silently with a clear and clean sound and weaken the sobs to have trust in father"
"Dubbing 1 of the housekeeper attacking players on the first floor and a half
Household "" Voice
No one is allowed to go up!
  Nobody is allowed to go upstairs! "" (Qisheng pronunciation, imitating ghosts,)
  (Unvoiced sound like a ghost)(breathy voice like a ghost)"
"The strange man in the guard room whispers
The strange man whistling in the guards' room ""
Strange Man
Voice "" You will die here... If you want to live... only seal them
You'll be dead right here... The only way is to seal them if you want to survive
  (Unvoiced sound like a ghost) (breathy voice like a ghost)(Indifferent)"
"Dubbing of the Bookboy Burning Paper Event in the Servant's Room
"Sister Lilac... Are you there? Let me see you
Are you there, my elder sister Ding Xiang? I'm coming all the way to see you. "
  (Sob and say)"
"The Boat Grasps the Voice of the Painter Housekeeper
Household "" Voice
Voice "" bind up!
  Tie up! The "" voice is not high, but it is very deterrent
  Low but deterrent tone"
"Dubbing by the housekeeper at the entrance of the Treasure Pavilion after the event of catching the painter
Household "" Voice
Madam Voice "" can't save you!
  Even the Madam cannot help you out! "" is a vicious, very positive statement
  Cruel with a very affirmative indicative mood"
"Seal the Servant Event The servant girl has finished the voice dubbing
"Servant girl completing the shapeshifting at the time of the sealing event
Madam, how can you treat me like this!
"How could you treat me like this, Madam!"
  Servant girl with the evil spirit (progressive wild screaming) (Unvoiced sound like a ghost)(breathy voice like a ghost)"
"Seal the servant girl event The servant girl did not change into a voice
Dubbing before the servant girl's shapeshifting at the time of the sealing event
I should have helped you. Go and save him!
  I should have done you a favor. Go and save him! "" The servant girl who calms down the resentment: (The voice sounds like a ghost) Finally, she puts down the resentment and cares about the soft tone of the old feelings
  Servant girl with the quelled resentment:  (Unvoiced sound like a ghost)(breathy voice like a ghost) soft tone of the resentment release and the considered old affection
"The strange man in the treasure room whispers
The strange man wearing at the treasury house
Strange Man
Voice "" It's midnight... Go upstairs
  Around midnight……Go upstairs quickly"
"The sound found by the yard guard
Low Roar, Your life! "(Unvoiced sound like a ghost) (breathing voice like a ghost)
"The monologue sealed by the old lady
Monologue by the sealed old maidervant
Old Maidservant
Voice "" From childhood to adulthood, the master is just like my own son! You... you ruined him! Destroy the Yan family! It's you... (Echo)!
  I treated the Lord as my own child as he grew up! It's you that have destroyed him and the Yins…(echo)! Unvoiced sound like a ghost (breathing voice like a ghost)
"Monologue sealed by doormen
Monologue by the sealed change on
Voice "" I don't know anything about the affairs in the mansion. What do they do with me? What do they do with me
I know nothing about what happened to your home, so I don't have anything to with it at all... "
  (Unvoiced sound like a ghost)(breathy voice like a ghost) Feel somewhat panic and frightened"
"The Monologue Sealed by the Bookboy
"Sister Lilac! Help me! Madam is so scary!
  Help, my elder sister Ding Xiang! The Madam looks so scary! "" (trembling voice)
  (Trembling voice)(Unvoiced sound like a ghost) (breathy voice like a ghost)"
"The monologue sealed by the yard guard
Monologue by the sealed guard
Voice "" The student is a brave man, honest and forthright, not like his wife, who doesn't obey women's morality! Have mercy on my master!
  Unlike you acting in such a dissolute manner, I'm always a frank and open hero as I'm staying alive. Take pity on my Lord! "" (The voice sounds like a ghost) There is a kind of voice that seems to be a long-term alcoholic, whose stammer is not very clear, who is spitting with foam, and who will not close his eyes to death.
  (Unvoiced sound like a ghost) (breathy voice like a ghost)Talk like a chronic alcoholic who speaks by spitting and stuttering and dies disappointed. "
"The monologue sealed by the servant girl
Monologue by the sealed servant girl
  I'll repay you for your kindness in the afterlife. Unvoiced sound like a ghost (breathing voice like a ghost)
"The monologue sealed by the housekeeper
Monologue by the sealed housekeeper
Household "" Voice
Voice "" National law! There are rules at home! The master is the god of this family! Nobody can break the rules!
Like Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards, the Lord is the head of the family, and no one is allowed for any violation. "(Unvoiced sound like a ghost) (breathing voice like a ghost)
"Introduction daughter dubbing 1
Daughter's opening words
"Dad, haven't you come to Mom's house yet?
Have we not arrived at mom's home, dad
  Just like waking up. The daughter is a little premature and sensible child."
"Introduction player dubbing 2
Dubbing 2-the player's opening words
Player Voice
Go back to sleep, Mengmeng, and we'll suppress at her home some
  Low and unstable breath (Speak to the daughter with the subdued breath at the time of depression outbreak)"
"Introduction daughter dubbing 3
Daughter's opening words
"Dad, did you take any medicine today
Did you take the medicine today, dad
  Just like waking up"
"Introduction player dubbing 4
Dubbing 4-the player's opening words
Player Voice
  Low and unstable breath (Speak to the daughter with the subdued breath at the time of depression outbreak)"
"Introduction daughter dubbing 2
Daughter's opening words
Dad, where are we going?
Where are we going, dad
"Introductory women&men dubbing vaguely
Fuzzy dubbing men&women's opening words
Group Voice
Voice "" Go to hell...
  Go to the hell…"            (Unvoiced sound like a ghost) (breathy voice like a ghost)
"The ghosts roared
A group of roaming ghosts
Group Voice
Voice "" The breath of ghosts reverberates throughout the floor
  The floor is reverberated with the ghosts' breathy voice. "            (Unvoiced sound like a ghost) (breathy voice like a ghost)
"Introduction background sound 8 - 6th birthday
Background sound of the opening words 8-sixth birthday
"Opening words" "Environment sound effect
Environmental audio. The sound of something falling to the ground. The little girl called for her mother's voice when the door closed heavily. The sound of dragging the trunk away
Sounds of the squaring couple, the articles throw on the ground, the floor closed presidency, the little girl yelling for her mother and the walk away with the suite "" high
"Introduction background sound 9 - crash
Background sound of the opening words 9-crash
"Opening words" "Environment sound effect
Environmental audio "" Bad thoughts, depression began to break out, and the sound of "Go to hell" echoed in my ears. Suddenly, the big car in front of me, the lights of the strong train, the sound of the whistle, the sound of the brake, the voice of the protagonist's cry of surprise, and then the sound of the tragic crash, Then there was a dizzy (perhaps similar to the feeling of a grenade exploding in the ear in the game). The gangster paused, struggled and hurt, but the first consciousness was that the daughter on the car, Mengmeng, called Mengmeng, shouted, and then lost consciousness.
  Bad throughts, outbreak of the depression, the ear-invading sound of ""Go to the hell"", the harsh light of the front car with the sounds of whistling, brake and the main character's shouting upon the scare-triggered recuperation, followed by the horrible car crash and the dizziness (which is probably similar to the grenade explosion in the ears in the gaming) . Muddleheaded, struggling and painful, but be conscious of the daughter Mengmeng in the car, calling her and yelling before the unconsciousness. "

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