Customer service QQ

two hundred and six million six hundred and sixty-two thousand and twenty-four

Male 1 Teacher Wang Click to listen

 Studio of Chongqing Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 2 Teacher Liu (audition)

 Studio of Zhengzhou Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 3 Teacher Ma (audition)

 Studio of Shijiazhuang Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 4 Teacher Chen (audition)

 Wuhan Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Male 5 Mr. Lei (audition)

 Studio of Shenyang Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 6 Teacher Wu (audition)

 Studio of Changsha Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Male 7 Teacher Zhang (audition)

 Jinan Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Male 8 Teacher Bi (audition)

 Changchun Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Male 9 Teacher Liu (audition)

 Guangzhou Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
10 Teacher Zhang (audition)

 Studio of Nanchang Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
11 Teacher Dai (audition)

 Studio of Taiyuan Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
12 Teacher Xia (audition)

 Studio of Haikou Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
13 Miss Gu (audition)

 Studio of Chengdu Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Female 1, Miss Li click Audition

 Female voice dubbing of dignified advertisement
Female 2, Miss Gu (audition)

 Studio of Harbin Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Female 3, Miss Liu (audition)

 Fuzhou Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
Female Teacher 4 Jiang (audition)

 Studio of Nanjing Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company
Female 5, Miss Li (audition)

 Hefei Dubbing Advertising Dubbing Company Studio
please spot hit Small chart slice try hear

···· ····   Night Falls. Everyone, close your eyes
CUPID, wake up Cupid, please open your eyes
  Give any two players the Mark of Love. Please select the player you want to link
Lovers, wake up
Confirm Mark of Love
WEREWOLVES, pick a player to attack
SEER, wake up
  Pick one to investigate identity. Please select the player you want to check
The identity is
WITCH, wake up
This Villager was developed last night, you may use heal poison to save or not. You may terminate one player by using poison potion. Pick one to use or not
Defender, wake up
  Pick one to defend. Please select the player you want to guard
It's day, everyone wake up
  Now start the sheriff campaign. Now start the campaign for sheriff
Everyone, Start Vote
The campaign ended
  It's a safe night. Nobody died last night
  Player 1 died last night. Player 1 died last night
  Player 1 and Player2  died last night. Players 1 and 2 died last night
  Player 1,Player2, and Player3  died last night. Last night, players 1, 2 and 3 died
Player 1 Player 1
Player 2 Player 2
Player 3 Player 3
Player 4 Player 4
Player 5 Player 5
Player 6 Player 6
Player 7 Player 7
Player 8 Player 8
Player 9 Player 9
Player 10 Player 10
Player 11 Player 11
Player 12Player 12
Player 13 Player 13
Player 14 Player 14
Player 15 Player 15
Player 16 Player 16
Player 17 Player 17
Player 18 Players 18
Player 19 Players 19
Player 20 Players 20
Player 1 is voted out
Player 1 turn to speak
Hunter, pick one to kill
  Player 1 is killed by hunter. Player 1 was killed by a hunter
Sheriff, Pick one to be success
Game over, Werewolf victory!
Game over, Villager victory!

Online Service