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University of Science and Technology Propaganda Video Dubbing Copy

Source: unknown Time: 2021-01-18 Click: 89 times

  Stars shine here, and life starts here---
The "Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology" is located in the "Forest City", "Top 1000 City" and "Five Seas Port". It is located between 55 ° north latitude and 56 ° north latitude and 37 ° east longitude and 38 ° east longitude. It is located in the eastern part of Europe, the middle of the Russian plain, and the highland between the Moscow River and the Russian Mother River, known as the "Volga River", and connects the Don River in the south. With an area of 1080.47 square kilometers and a permanent population of more than 12 million, Moscow is a comprehensive international metropolis integrating politics, economy, culture, science, education and transportation.
--One of the 20 best universities in Russia;
--QS ranked top universities (one of the 200 best universities in BRICS and emerging countries);
--Ranked among the world's top 500 RankPro universities;
--In 2017, the number of scientific research inventions of Russian universities ranked third;
--Among the 127 engineering universities in the Russian Federation, the demand for graduates ranks among the top four.
--The university of science and technology of China's foreign-related network ranked sixth;
--Ranked 19th among Russian universities in 2017;
"Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology" was established in 1965
-In 2010, the school made outstanding achievements in education, scientific research, design innovation, etc,
-In 2011, it was renamed as the National Research University "MIET".
-In 2015, it was identified as the "Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology", a national research university.
-In 2010, the school made outstanding achievements in education, scientific research, design innovation, etc,
Awarded by the federal government: National Research University. At the same time, the federal government will provide long-term financial support for the development of school education and scientific research activities.
The university is ahead of similar universities in high-tech scientific research fields such as electronics and nanotechnology.
Located in Zerenograd District, known as the "center of Russian Silicon Valley"
The ecological environment here is beautiful and the scientific research atmosphere is strong.
Since its establishment more than 40 years ago,
Many high-quality professionals have been trained in the electronics and IT industries.
The school has a high-level teaching team,
A total of more than 600 scientific and teaching workers,
Including 6 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
100 professors and doctors of science,
300 associate doctors and associate professors of science.
The school has unique cutting-edge equipment and an international research center, as well as research research rooms set up by scientists, graduate students and students in the school.
The school has also developed the "artificial heart" technology;
"Artificial kidney" wearable device
Auxiliary cycle "artificial earth satellite system";
Multi function rescue vehicle, etc.
The university has all the conditions to obtain a good higher education,
Modern laboratory, innovative technology and new teaching mode,
Make the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology
Leader of training experts in the fields of microelectronics, nanotechnology, telecommunications and information technology.
The school has 8 departments:
Computer System Department, Micro Instrument Control Department, Radio Technology Department, Economic Management Law Department
Department of Electronic Technology, Department of Foreign Languages, Department of Applied Information Technology, Department of Design,
Major disciplines include:
Computational science, software engineering, telecommunications, applied mathematics
Radio engineering, biomedical engineering, CAD system, nano electronic technology
Automation and control, electronics and microelectronics, etc
Some master's programs are taught in English.
The school has more than 6500 students, including more than 250 graduate students.
In order to build a world-class university, the university is accelerating its international development strategy.
Famous foreign professors and representatives of large international companies are regularly invited to the university to hold lectures.
The university has always maintained close cooperation with top universities in Europe and the United States,
It has also created an exchange project for undergraduates, postgraduates and tutors.
It has 15 international education centers,
It has good cooperative relations with more than 60 universities in Europe, America and Asia.
The university and IT leaders: Huawei, Microsoft, Intel, HP, etc
Cooperated to promote various elite projects,
It aims to cultivate students' outstanding ability in the IT industry.
The university is one of the best innovative education programs,
And received a large amount of federal special funds,
It is used to further develop the training of high-end electronic technology talents.
On May 20, 2014, the Presidium of the Presidential Palace held a meeting in our school
The meeting on the implementation of priority national projects and population policies,
The meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
The members of the presidium include four ministers of the Russian Federation, two vice chairmen of the government of the Russian Federation,
President of major Russian universities and governors of several regions in Russia.
Before the board meeting,
President of the school, You Chaplikin, led the Premier's delegation
Visited the Innovation Technology Center and the Nanotechnology Center,
Showcased the new education plan of the university,
He also introduced the advanced scientific and practical development to the Premier.
Prime Minister Medvedev is particularly interested in the invention of the Department of Biomedical Systems,
This is an automatic defibrillator and a wearable satellite device,
It is used to provide blood circulation system for patients with terminal heart failure
The device is an auxiliary device that can help people who need heart transplantation to wait for transplantation.
This product is exclusively developed in Russia, and its cost is only half of that of similar foreign products.
It has been successfully installed in several Russian patients.
Out of curiosity, the Premier tested the radio remote control robot trolley developed by college students,
The robot is used to transport the wounded in emergency.
The Bureau of the Government of the Russian Federation was very attentive when visiting the development of the Department of Functional Electronic Materials.
The integrated energy metering system in houses and apartments studied by the Ministry can save up to 30% of energy consumption.
Medvedev highly affirmed and praised the scientific research and education activities of Moscow Electronic University,
And pointed out that the university is one of the leaders of Russian higher education institutions,
The government has always paid great attention to the school.
The Premier said: "The demand of the modern economy and the increase in the share of high-tech in the technology industry,
It often exceeds the capacity of our higher education institutions,
Therefore, innovative education in colleges and universities has indeed become one of the priorities for implementing educational projects.
There is no doubt that I got to know information security, microelectronics and telecommunications systems here today,
And other research achievements of scientists from Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology,
These achievements will benefit medicine, housing, public services
New forces will be injected into the development of energy, national defense, railway, aviation and other fields.
Now there are more than 30 countries
More than 200 foreign students came to the school to study.
Students have the opportunity to participate in the university's cooperation with large foreign enterprises and leading universities in Europe
The teaching project of double certificate master's degree jointly implemented.
The university graduates are all over the
Communication and IT, nano engineering, information protection, energy conservation and other high-tech companies.
The school is proud of its graduates, who meet the needs of all walks of life,
The world's leading enterprises scramble to hire and work in many countries in the world.
Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology strives to create more conditions,
For students to be able to achieve self and enjoy their spare time.
The school has a concert hall, an intelligence game club, a dance floor and a dance hall with professional lighting and music equipment,
And multifunctional sports center.
Sports facilities include swimming pool, football field, tennis court, gym, aerobics classroom, etc.
Every year, the school also organizes new birthday celebrations, dormitory days and other cultural activities.
And make plans for freshmen to help them adapt to college life.
At the beginning of December every year, students celebrate their birthday for the university,
During the celebration, various activities such as culture, exhibitions, competitions and concerts will be held.
"Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology", a national research university
Welcome students from China to join us,
Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology will provide you with complete professional courses, first-class teachers, rich and colorful learning life to help you realize your dreams.
Knowledge leads to success. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology wishes you success! Welcome to fly your dreams, realize your dreams, and sail your dreams to the other side of success. One today is better than two tomorrow. Are you coming to challenge? Choose to decide your destiny and strive for success. We are willing to be the catalyst for your dream. We warmly welcome the students from the People's Republic of China to study in our school, so as to build a bridge of friendship between China and Russia! Adding to the Belt and Road! You are the sun at seven or eight o'clock in the morning, and the future belongs to you!


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