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Sugida Zhihe and Ono Daisuke participate in the dubbing of Living Together

Source: unknown Time: December 15, 2018 Click: 153 times


As for the daily life of young writers who are not sociable and their own masters, the animation "cohabitants sometimes on their legs, sometimes on their heads" will be released on January 9, 2019. The list of additional voice actors has been announced. Sugida Zhihe and Ono Dafu dub cats and dogs respectively.

·Taro: Sugida Zhihe
The hero's neighbor's dog is very close to people.
·Yasakazu: Dongcheng Risha
Daxiang's sister likes the master.
·Sister Deng Liang: Feng Kouhui
I took care of Xiao Chun when he was a stray cat.
·Kohei: Daisuke Ono
The cat Xiao Chun met while wandering has a scar on his left eye.


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