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My Baby sitter's Handbook has aroused heated discussion again. Zheng Shuang's original voice dubbing is soft and cute!

Source: unknown Time: November 16, 2018 Click: 186 times


Recently, Zheng Shuang's new play My Babysitter's Manual was officially launched. AI girls are babysitters for big stars. The story of nonsense washing and cooking for human beings is quite new. The sparks are funny and interesting. Zheng Shuang, who dares to challenge new themes, has always been fresh on the acting road. In fact, Xiaoshuang's new play will cause a storm every time, because her fan group is really huge, which is inseparable from her real and cheerful personality charm. (My Babysitter's Manual has aroused heated discussion since it was broadcast. Zheng Shuang's appearance can make people ignore the plot!)
In this way, the new play "My Nanny Handbook" was broadcasted under the expectation of the public. Once broadcasted, it immediately triggered a heated debate. After watching, netizens talked about the plot one after another. Many netizens began to comment on the dubbing and plot arrangement of the new play one by one, so they started a well intentioned mode of complaining. Netizens said that Zheng Shuang's new play My Nanny's Manual depended on his appearance, and the dubbing of the plot was not attractive enough, but Zheng Shuang's appearance could make people ignore the plot.
In fact, I think that although there are flaws in the plot, the popularity of this play has not decreased, because Zheng Shuang's appearance is so high that people can ignore the plot. Let's have a look at the appearance of Shuang Mei in the play. Her modeling in the play is very changeable, and each modeling fully demonstrates its own characteristics. Her face is resistant to attack, and the picture is very beautiful. Netizens all said that the dubbing of the story was not good enough, and they really did. Although the plot cannot resist scrutiny, it is still very relaxed and pleasant to develop. With Zheng Shuang's ancient spirit spirit and face value that can make people ignore the plot, it is understandable that the heat is high.
Zheng Shuang, as a "clean stream" in the entertainment industry, often expresses his true ideas on his social network platform, without any affectation, full of the word "truth". Few people in the entertainment industry can achieve such a character. Recently, the issue of her relationship with her new boyfriend has also attracted much attention. The day before yesterday, they went out on a date together. They dressed very simply and didn't look like big brands. Shuang looked like a lovely girl next door. She went out with her boyfriend and brought her stand in.
As can be seen from the Reuters pictures, she has a close relationship with the double, enjoying the whole journey, as close as a twin sister. However, because of her personality, our sister Shuang is often attacked by many people. Many keyboard men think her remarks are too extreme and full of show colors, so when her news hits the hot search, there are always two voices arguing.
Xiao Bian thinks that if we use a fruit to describe our cool girl, it is probably Durian. The person who loves loves no matter what the situation is, and the person who doesn't love doesn't see it. When he smells a little smell, he will frown and show his disgust. In fact, everyone is not easy in the entertainment industry, and has their own difficulties. We can't identify a person's essence and define it hastily based on the superficial situation.
My Babysitter's Manual has aroused heated discussion since it was broadcast. Zheng Shuang's appearance can make people ignore the plot! The editor thinks that Sister Shuang's new play is hot now. We'd better pay more attention to her, carefully observe her progress, and then make our own comments. Because watching the play is just for fun, and Zheng Shuang dares to challenge new themes, which is also a positive thing., Don't let the colored glasses ignore the efforts and brilliance of others. I wonder if everyone has been visited by Zheng Shuangmei?


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