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Film and television advertisement dubber: voice actor Guo Dexin Introduction Contact price

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Film and television advertisement dubbing Member: Introduction of voice actor Guo Dexin Contact price

Chinese name: Guo Dexin Ethnic group: Han
Alias: Ah Xin Constellation: Scorpio
Nationality: China Occupation: FM106.1 host of Guangzhou Radio and Television Traffic Radio

   Guo Dexin
Voice actor, dubbing director, presenter of Guangzhou Radio and TV Station.
Engaged in dubbing for more than ten years, and matched Cantonese advertising words for many skin care advertisements. He has dubbed the Korean drama "You from the Stars" with Qian Songyi, the Cantonese dubbing of Gao Yuanyuan's advertisement, and the Cantonese version of the cartoon "Happy Sheep". At the same time, he is also a subway announcer and an announcer in Guangzhou Tower Scenic Area.
"This bus is going to the direction of Guangzhou Tower, please hold it steady and make way for passengers in need"... You who take the subway every day will be familiar with this Cantonese female voice.
She is a Cantonese dubber used by many goddesses. Whether it's Jun Zhixian, the witty character of You from the Stars, or Gao Yuanyuan, the elegant advertisement of skin care products, she can easily handle; Her voice is changeable. She can match the child's voice, Pleasant Goat, and the domineering elder sister Song Dandan. Her voice is behind the characters with different personalities and different voices in movies and TV plays.
This familiar stranger is a real Guangzhou girl.
Create characters in the studio
At the beginning of the lights, urbanites have finished their busy day's work, and Guo Dexin's dubbing work has just begun. In a recording studio on Fujinan 1st Street, Haizhu District, there are still characters waiting for her to be dubbed.
A line, a microphone, put on headphones, she began to make up for the voice.
In the studio, Guo Dexin performed dubbing for several roles on the spot. "He said that my whiteness is not only transparent, but also natural"... The familiar voice from the recording studio is just the skin care product advertisement of Gao Yuanyuan, which is broadcast on TV every day. Gao Yuanyuan's Cantonese voice dubbing comes from her.
One second, she was the goddess of grace. The next second, the style of painting suddenly changed, and the crayon Shin hsin was on her upper body. She half covered her mouth with her hand and made a hoarse voice.
The dignified subway broadcast and Guangzhou Tower sightseeing ladder introduction are also difficult to reach. Her familiar voice can be heard in Aeon Supermarket and Huacheng Square.
"Compared with the role playing of actors, the voice dubbers are more imitative, with narrower playing space and higher difficulty", Guo Dexin said that the voice dubbing work is very challenging, because there is already an image on the screen acting, and the voice dubbers can only follow his (her) behavior logic to dub.
Every time he gets a role, Guo Dexin is used to watching the whole play at home first, and uses the most appropriate voice according to the characteristics of the characters. For example, Quan Zhixian, who has a playful personality in this play, will use a youthful and lovely voice, while in another play, she is Yu Jie, who will have to change her tone. Cartoon character dubbing, the voice ending is usually long, more like a child's tone; When recording advertisement dubbing, use dignified and atmospheric voice.
Dubbing is a lonely business. It's normal to record several hours at a time in a studio of several square meters. For the dubbing of TV series, Guo Dexin tried to enter the shed for more than ten hours, and the work ended at 4:00 in the morning, "the street is very quiet".
You can eat by your face
Some people say that voice actors can't live by their faces, but only by their voices. There is a big gap between their looks and their voices. Guo Dexin, who has the name of "Guangzhou's First Female Vocal Actress", not only has a good voice, but also has an idol like face, beautiful and beautiful, and has the gentle personality of a southern girl.
Speaking of entering the profession in those years, I used to run in front of the screen, but I stumbled into the dubbing world by mistake.
Guo Dexin grew up as a campus radio station, majoring in journalism and communication in university. After graduating from college, she applied for an examination as a TV host, but failed to be elected. "Would you like to be a voice actor?" The interview teacher thought her voice was good and recommended her to join the industry. At that time, Guo Dexin did not know about the dubbing industry, but he thought, "If there is no orange, it is better to stir up sand (Cantonese: if there is no orange, it is better to catch a handful of sand, meaning to retreat and seek second place)". Joined the dubbing industry.
In those days, local channels, dramas or movies introduced from other places would be equipped with Cantonese versions. When some TV dramas were shot, there was a lot of noise in the live radio, and later dubbing was needed, which also gave birth to a group of Cantonese voice actors. Guo Dexin's apprentice is Li Minzhi, whose voice is familiar to Guangzhou neighbors. He is the voice of 555 batteries and Marlboro advertisements, and is known as one of the seven wolves in Guangdong dubbing industry.
The threshold of early dubbing is high, so you need to watch and study for a month before you start. The first time I went into the studio to watch people dubbing, Guo Dexin still remembered that it was a scene of mourning. A group of people cried hysterically, noisy and screaming, feeling like a group of neurotics. Ten years ago, it was still a traditional dubbing, and there was no ready-made scene sound effect. You can see the dubbing staff with high heels knocking on the iron plate, knocking on the steel plate to simulate the thunder; Imitating the voice of a phone call will cover your mouth; Long distance sound will be a certain distance from Mai. She found the dubbing method magical and found it very interesting.
Because of the good sound conditions, Guo Dexin's first TV play was paired with a female number two, and the TV play was TVB's "Where Is Love?" starring Luo Jialiang. Sometimes, it was too deep into the play, and the voice dubbing ended, and the emotion was still in the role.
There is no brokerage company for the dubbing staff. The promotion channel is the recording studio. The voice actors will record the DEMO in the recording studio, and the investors will select the roles by listening to the voice.
"Some people's voices can only be matched with advertisements, while others are only suitable for TV dramas. She is one of the few all-around voice actors who can be matched with advertisements, films, and cartoons. Many investors like to use her voice." The female producer of the recording studio commented on Guo Dexin.
Get rid of the burden of idols
However, in the early stage of being a strong voice actor, he also experienced the regret of losing the election.
In 2011, Guo Dexin was selected as the voice actor for the film Butterfly on the Shoulder. With years of rich voice acting experience, he thought he was determined to win, but he was disappointed to lose. "At that time, he was very disappointed and always thought he could do it."
Later, it was found that there was no unified standard for the so-called casting. Everyone had different standards for the sound. "For example, sexy, the director thinks it is magnetic, while investors may like to play a role with a whine. Some people think your voice is suitable, others think it is not."
Some voice actors are used to dubbing high-end advertisements. They are also deep when dubbing dramas, which does not meet the requirements. Some people cannot match the advertisement sound, but their voice is very similar to a star. They can also become movie dubbers. For example, comedian Wu Mengda has a special dubber.
In his early years, Guo Dexin pursued sound and beauty, and deliberately wanted to read well. The senior said that her voice was too narrow. In fact, there were more possibilities with such sound conditions. One "ah" can have 50 or 60 kinds of emotions. The voice dubber needs to be open-minded and can't have the burden of idols.
With the advice of the seniors, Guo Dexin opened up to try more different roles. Every day, he watched TV dramas to practice his mouth shape and voice. After finishing work, he watched dramas, and his acting became more and more popular.
Among many films and TV plays, foreign language films are more difficult. The voice dubber gets the untranslated lines. Take the Korean drama You from the Stars as an example. When Qian Songyi and Du Minjun quarreled, they watched Qian Songyi read a string of lines, and the words "abominable" were written on the script. The difference in the pronunciation was too far. The Cantonese dubbing was changed to "OK, Du Minjun."
"Many people think that crying plays are the most difficult to match. In fact, the calmer the play, the more difficult it is to match." Guo Dexin said that those seemingly calm plays are the best test of kung fu. She once played a mute female role. There was no dialogue, but there were many monologues throughout the process. In order to match this role, Guo Dexin stayed in the recording studio for 11 hours.
   Income is like taking a "roller coaster"
In life, voice dubbers are not like actors. They don't need to wear caps or hide from paparazzi. Of course, their income is not as good as actors'.
Ten years ago, a 40 minute episode was dubbed, and it took about 2 hours to dub, with a salary of 100 yuan or 200 yuan. Dubbers who earn thousands of dollars a month are called invisible millionaires, who buy cars and buildings by dubbing. Ten years later, the dubbing price of the drama is still the same. With the soaring prices, such remuneration can no longer maintain food and clothing.
Besides the fame and strength of the actors themselves, there are also the budget of the producers. Guo Dexin said, "If the income of voice actors is measured according to the conditions given by the producers, some of the budget is small, and the income of voice actors also drops." For example, the price offered is only enough to pay for 10 voice actors, but there are 100 characters in the series. What should we do? We had to find inexperienced and cheap dubbers.
Search online for cheap voiceover, and the price is as low as 30 yuan/set. Many of them are college students who take orders, and even some of them are net matched. At home, one microphone can complete the dubbing. This has led to chaos in various industries.
Guo Dexin believes that there is vicious competition in the dubbing industry. TV dramas are dubbing at a low price. Professional dubbers who really love dubbing have to work part-time to support this position. Everyone is a voiceover, which leads to a vicious circle that many TV dramas produced cannot even match their mouths.
Now, many professional dubbers Guo Dexin knows have changed careers. Guo Dexin also walked from behind the scenes to the stage. However, she is more fond of dubbing. "It is bright and impetuous in front of the screen, and the work behind the screen is more precipitated, and there are more possibilities." In her opinion, dubbing can be an old profession.
Guo Dexin hopes that this industry will develop well and have successors.


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