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The voice dubber's personal feeling is consistent with the character's feeling, and more obedient to the character's feeling

Author: This article was transferred from the Internet Time: 2016-11-08 Click: 180 times


dubbing The personal feelings of the members are unified with the feelings of the characters, and they are more subordinate to the feelings of the characters

   What I put here today is the work of "Qing Huan Huan Huan".
I can hear from your works that you have your own feelings, so your problems are different from those of your friends who always pursue the beauty of voice. What you need to practice is to unify your feelings and the feelings of the characters, and more obey the feelings of the characters. For example, if the characters have breath, you will have breath again, instead of being involved yourself, forget the original characters, and come on.
Qing Huanhuan's Letter
Dear Sister Can Can Hello:
Here is a woman who has been concerned for a long time but has never dared to contribute=
Yes, I finally got up the courage to submit _ (: ☒) ∠, In addition, in recent years, I have been totally relying on my own exploration, and I feel that they are a little off track! It's so dirty! QAQ。 The voice dubber's personal feeling is consistent with the character's feeling, and more subject to the character's feeling:


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