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two hundred and six million six hundred and sixty-two thousand and twenty-four

Beijing dubbing company Shanghai dubbing company Guangzhou dubbing company Shenzhen dubbing

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: 2021-01-18 Click: 172 times

   People don't live forever
Not for years, months and days
But live for a few moments
Understand for the first time
Love you three thousand times
There is more than one expression
First time receiving salary
Declaration of independence
The way ahead is to go alone
The world is so big
Where you are
It's home
New Mother
It's disturbing
It's even more inexpressible happiness
Don't care about success or failure
Starting is the best reward for dreams
When you slow down
Only then did I find out
The original behind every wonderful
And wonderful
Often get surprises
But I always forget to ask
Who is persisting behind the surprise
Always on the way
And often look at them kindly
Left behind
Good habits
But always ignore
Ordinary is the post
What is extraordinary is the heart
Feel happy
But countless
How many days and nights are reversed in the picture of happiness
Experience excellence
But often ignored
How many attempts are there behind the wonderful
Some of the highlights are unforgettable
Some wonderful achievements in your life
Some wonderful things you are creating
Some wonderful accompany you
There is more than one definition of excellence
Wonderful is every effort
Let the wonderful be seen
Benefiting the Field, Keeping High Quality, Benefiting the Heart


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