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Which Beijing dubbing company is better? Which Beijing dubbing company is better

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: 2021-01-18 Click: 81 times

She loves life and is kind to others;
She is calm and calm, full of affinity and sense of humor;
She likes making friends, singing, dancing and keeping fit;
He is down-to-earth and hardworking in his work, with thoughtful and enthusiastic service and rich professional knowledge, which has been appreciated and affirmed by colleagues and tourists. She is a post-90s treasure mother. Yes, she is me!
Hello, I'm Cheng Nana, a contestant from Suizhou, Hubei Province. I'm now working as a tour guide in the Tomb of Marquis Yi,
I love the tour guide industry, which may not be able to engage in a lifetime, but it is enough for me to reflect on my life. I will work hard as always, never forget my original intention, and continue to move forward! In my life experience, I left an unforgettable, thick ink and heavy color!


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