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What materials need to be prepared for Shenzhen to set up large-scale outdoor advertising sign facilities?

To set up large outdoor advertising sign facilities in Shenzhen, you need to prepare the following information, and then log on to the "Guangdong Government Affairs Service Network" (website https://www.gdzwfw.gov.cn/ ), click "Switch" → select "Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau of Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province" Click "Implementation List" "Administrative license" "Set up large-scale outdoor advertising approval" Click "Online Processing" and submit application materials with the corporate account as required for application.

① Application Form for Setting up Large Outdoor Advertising Facilities in Shenzhen;

② The certification document of the use right of outdoor advertising site and the official seal of the applicant (real estate certificate, lease contract, etc.);

③ Identification documents of the applicant and the official seal of the applicant (business license of the applicant, personal ID card of the handler, etc.);

 Shenzhen Sign Company

④ Sample drawings of outdoor advertising facilities with the official seals of the site property right unit and the application unit affixed; The setting site belongs to the common part of the property and needs to be stamped with the official seal of the property management unit (color pictures, reflecting the size, material, setting location, overall effect, etc. of outdoor advertisements);

⑤ Written materials for soliciting the opinions of interested parties and affixing the official seal of relevant units;

⑥ The real scene photos of outdoor advertising sites and the site location sketch map shall be affixed with the official seals of the site property right unit and the applicant unit. The site is a common part of the property, and the official seal of the property management unit shall also be affixed (color pictures, showing the full view and geographical location of the buildings attached to the outdoor advertising, truly reflecting the site conditions);

⑦ New large-scale outdoor advertising facilities shall be set on the advertising space reserved in the planning, and the elevation drawings approved by the planning and the Natural Resources Bureau for filing shall be submitted;

 Outdoor advertising signs

⑧ For newly built large-scale outdoor advertising facilities (referring to large-scale outdoor advertising facilities attached to the original facade of the building through the installation of additional structures), the applicant shall submit a safety inspection report issued by a qualified safety monitoring agency for the first time;

⑨ If the new installation of large outdoor advertising facilities with steel structure and electrical equipment or the installation period needs to be extended after the expiration of the installation period, the setter shall submit the safety test report issued by an organization with safety test qualification.


Shenzhen Shenshenmei Advertising Logo Co., Ltd

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