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What are the common problems with the city identity sign guide system?

In the shaping of city image, signs, as an intuitive and concrete visual communication tool, play a vital role. However, in practical applications, we can often find some common problems, which not only affect the visual effect and use function of signs, but also may have a negative impact on the image of the whole city. The following are some common problems in the design of city identity signs:

Unclear information expression

The design of some signs is too complex or implicit, resulting in unclear information transmission and difficult to understand. The main function of the sign is to provide information, so its design should be concise and easy to understand.

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Lack of unity and coherence in design

In different areas of the city or spaces with different functions, the design style, color, font, etc. of signs and signs lack unified standards and norms, resulting in visual confusion and disharmony. This not only affects the overall beauty of the city, but also may bring troubles to tourists and citizens.

Insufficient identifiability and visibility

In some cases, the location of the signs is unreasonable, such as too high, too low, and blocked, resulting in insufficient identifiability and visibility. In addition, design elements such as color and size of signs may also affect their visibility.

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Material and process problems

The material and process of the sign are also important factors affecting its quality and life. Some signs are easy to be damaged and faded due to poor material or rough process, which not only affects their use effect, but also damages the image of the city.

Lack of humanistic care

Some signs ignore people's needs and feelings in design, such as too small font, too harsh color, etc., which brings inconvenience or discomfort to users. The design of city image signs should be people-oriented and fully consider people's visual and psychological needs.

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In order to solve these problems, we need to standardize and improve the design, production, installation and other aspects. First of all, a unified design specification for city identity signs should be formulated to clarify the design style, color, font and other elements. Secondly, strengthen the design review and production supervision of signs to ensure that their information is clearly expressed, identifiable and visible. Finally, attention should be paid to the humanistic care and material and technology selection of signs, so that they are both beautiful and practical.

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As an important part of the city image, the design quality and use effect of city image signs directly affect the overall image of the city and the perception experience of citizens and tourists. Therefore, we should attach great importance to the design and production of signs to ensure that they play their due role and value.

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