The heroes compete! The third provincial procuratorial case management business competition was successfully held

Time: April 30, 2024 Author: Source:

"Business is more pioneering than competition, and the four provinces forge elite soldiers on the same stage". Recently, the third provincial procuratorate case management business competition jointly organized by the Political Department and the Case Management Office of the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate revived the flames of war in the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate College, and seven key procuratorate case management business leaders from Jiangsu Province, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region were invited to participate, Compete with 64 case management elites selected and recommended by 17 municipal hospitals in Shandong, and finally fight the peak of case management.

The competition is divided into two stages: preliminary and final. The preliminary contest consists of three parts: comprehensive written examination, business supervision skills test and business analysis skills test, covering political theory, "four major procuratorial" business knowledge, procuratorial business application system operation, data analysis and judgment, etc., to comprehensively investigate the case procedure supervision ability, case quality supervision ability, procuratorial data supervision ability and analysis and judgment ability of the contestants, "two days and three competitions" The intensity is high and the requirements are high. What we strive for is concentration and spirit.

In the final contest, the contestants had a deep understanding of the case management work and played their adaptability on the spot. According to the results of the preliminary contest, 44 contestants made a report and defense PPT around the given topic for on-site report and on-site defense of the judges' questions.

At the beginning of the new year, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the Notice on Launching the Third National Procuratorate Case Management Business Competition, which sounded the battle horn of the competition training.

The Party Leadership Group of the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate attaches great importance to the construction of compulsory inspection of talents, and continues to improve the effectiveness of talent work, especially focusing on finding, cultivating and bringing up talents in active participation in national and provincial business competitions, case selection, project research and other activities. In order to do a good job in this business competition, the leaders in charge of the provincial procuratorate put forward specific requirements for the organization of the competition. The case management office of the provincial procuratorate selected key personnel and made intensive preparations from various aspects, such as plan planning, test question ordering, competition organization, and competition division. The procuratorial organs at the city and county levels have also started to take action to select business backbones at all levels. The players are eager to show their skills and style on the provincial stage.

As the simulation and practical training of the national procuratorial organ case management business competition, the provincial competition has put forward higher requirements on the difficulty of the topic. The staff meticulously set questions, cleverly set up "organs" and "traps", "the answers to the test questions also stand up to scrutiny, to ensure that there is basis and no dispute", the competition organizer said, "The whole competition from the proposition to the organization and implementation to the evaluation and scoring, adhere to high standards and strict requirements, to ensure fairness and justice". After three times of drawing lots for the preliminary, final and defense, all the contestants participated in the contest anonymously, and invited leaders from the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial High Court of Justice, the Provincial Public Security Department and the Provincial Department of Justice, famous university law experts, well-known lawyers and leaders from the relevant departments of the Provincial People's Procuratorate to serve as the judges of the final defense to ensure that the contest was objective and efficient.

Each exam is a severe test of the players' ability, physical strength, energy and endurance.

Before the game, on the one hand, the staff checked carefully and repeatedly to see if there were any omissions, and on the other hand, the players were ready to send the "bullets" ready to "unload" at any time. During the competition, the players were highly concentrated, racing against the clock, and the sound of keyboard tapping was heard all the time

"Large number of questions", "High difficulty", "Fine examination" and "Wide coverage" have become the high-frequency words discussed by the players after the game. Faced with the "Shandong difficulty", the contestants from other provinces sighed: "It seems that after a baptism", "very fruitful".

The final is even more wonderful. How to use 10 minutes to perfectly display unique insights, enrich knowledge and business skills, impress judges, and strive for high scores? Players have shown their "trumpets".

After 5 days, the competition ended perfectly. The judges spoke highly of the organization of the competition and the professional ability of case management talents. The intense competition made the players feel full.

Some contestants said that this was an all-round improvement of professional ability: "In order to prepare for the competition, we not only reviewed the system and regulations of case management comprehensively and systematically, but also got familiar with the business of" four major procurators "again, so that we will have more confidence in precise supervision in future work".

Some contestants said that this is a systematic and comprehensive ability exercise: "The competition is not only about business supervision, analysis and other case management business application skills, but also the problem analysis ability, on the court adaptability, language expression ability has been fully exercised, showing the new generation of prosecutors' talent in case management".

Some contestants look forward to "taking this competition as a starting point, live up to the best era of the development of case management, start writing high-quality and efficient, and use practical actions to write new answers to procuratorial business management".

The contestants generally felt that this competition was a comprehensive physical examination of the professional ability of case management, and it was a way to check and fill gaps in normal work. It achieved the effect of promoting learning and energy through competition, and provided a direction for future work improvement.

"Starlight does not ask the passers-by, and time pays off". After four days of fierce competition, 10 "provincial procuratorial case management business pacesetters" and several business experts and excellent organization awards were selected in this competition.

The third provincial procuratorial organ case management business model

(10 persons)

Jiang Ying Third level Assistant Procurator of the Procuratorial Business Management Department of Zhangqiu District Procuratorate of Jinan City
Sun Xueqing Deputy Director of the Procuratorial Business Management Department of Changyi Municipal Procuratorate
Zhao Lei, Senior Staff Member of the Case Management Office of Zibo Municipal Procuratorate
Xu Xiao, Assistant to the Fourth level Procurator of the Case Management Office of Dezhou Municipal Procuratorate
Lin Wenwen, the fifth level assistant prosecutor of the Procuratorial Business Management Department of Weihai Huancui District Procuratorate
Liu Cuilin Deputy Director of the Procuratorial Business Management Department of the People's Procuratorate of Mudan District, Heze City
Zhu Qian, Assistant Prosecutor of the Case Management Office of Jining Municipal Procuratorate
Ren Tian Director of the Procuratorial Business Management Department of Daiyue District Procuratorate of Tai'an City
Liu Lu Level 4 Assistant Procurator of the Procuratorial Business Management Department of Linyi Lanshan District Procuratorate
Wang Xiaohui Deputy Director of the Procuratorial Business Management Department of Yantai Zhifu District Procuratorate

The significance of achievements should not be limited to the quantification of business capabilities, but should reflect the weaknesses in work and set targets for improvement. Similarly, the value of competition lies not only in the selection of talents, but also in the continuation of the spirit of hard work after the competition, which encourages players to pursue one higher goal after another and meet better themselves. At the same time, we will continue the spirit of the competition to the next step of work, give better play to our strengths, give play to the exemplary role of pacesetters, lead and drive more case managers to pursue excellence, make more efforts to "promote high-quality and efficient case handling with high-level management", and make more positive contributions to the provincial procuratorial work to "go ahead and open new bureaus" simultaneously.

Sponsor: Shandong Provincial People's Procuratorate Tel: 0531-83011111

Address: No. 5592, East Second Ring Road, Jinan, Shandong Province Zip code: 250014

Record Certificate No.: Lu ICP Bei 05024181 No.1