Weifang Procurator: Inspire Vigorous Power with the Spirit of "Perfection"

Time: 2024-02-22 Author: Source:

Weifang, Shandong, is the hometown of martyr Wang Jingmei, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, a proletarian revolutionary and a representative of the CPC. Wang Jinmei, formerly known as Wang Ruijun, was only 23 years old when he participated in the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China as a representative of Shandong. After the meeting, he passionately wrote poems, "The rich and the poor see the battlefield, perfect and only liberate. Wei Cement Shatong enters the sea, Qiao Youlu sees the vicissitudes of life", and changed his name to "Wang Fanmei", indicating his determination to devote himself to the revolution to realize the lofty communist ideal of "perfect and perfect".

Now, in this red hot land, Weifang Procuratorate actively inherits this red gene in its own way, integrates the spirit of "perfection" into the training of young police officers, and creates the procuratorial cultural brand of "perfection" by creating a new era youth pioneer team of "dare to act, dare to venture, dare to do, dare to initiate".

The first lesson of compulsory examination

Inherit loyalty to the Party and firm belief

"When I followed the footsteps of the martyrs and came to the memorial hall, the first thing I saw was the statue of martyr Wang Jinmei. He burned himself hard for the cause of the party and the people, and his life was set at 27 years old. But his spirit of 'perfection' will last forever." In June 2023, Mou Ruixuan, a young police officer of Weifang Procuratorate, made an exchange at the national procuratorial organ theme education theory learning exchange meeting.

At the exchange meeting, the Weifang Procuratorate, as the only representative of the procuratorial organ of Shandong Province, introduced the youth theoretical learning model of "perfect Weifang procuratorate".

It is reported that 79 young police officers from Weifang Procuratorate formed five theoretical study groups, and carried out a theoretical study and discussion activity of "Perfect Weifang Procuratorate Youth Front" around a theme every month to innovate the "1+X" open discussion content. "1" is to use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guiding ideology for theoretical discussion throughout the theoretical study; "X" refers to the modernization of procuratorial work, the integration of party building and business, etc. Then, each group focused on the theme of the discussion and formed a theoretical article. In the form of "three person talk", three police representatives were recommended to the group for discussion on the stage, and they interacted with the audience on the spot, so as to exercise the youth police ability in an all-round way.

Three people talk about theoretical study and discussion

On this basis, Weifang Procuratorate has also explored and formed a systematic, three-dimensional and whole process "Ten Haves" of annual activities with plans, seminars with plans, seminars with plans, seminars with deployment, seminars with division of labor, group research with guidance, seminar materials with check, seminar process with records, seminar speeches with comments, seminar conclusions with summaries, and seminar results with deepening Theoretical discussion mode.

Weifang Procuratorate Young Policemen Discuss a Difficult and Complicated Case

In addition, the Weifang Procuratorate has also taken strengthening the Party spirit education as the first and required course for young police officers. Relying on Wang Qianmei Memorial Hall, it regularly carries out theme party day activities; Build "Weifang Procuratorial Organ Party Building Theme Exhibition Hall", "Weifang Procuratorial Development History Theme Exhibition Hall", "Youth Posthouse" and other party building cultural fronts, regularly organize and carry out big discussions on improving the political position, and deeply plant the red gene of "loyalty to the party" in the heart. During this period, the "three working methods" explored and practiced by young police officers were selected into the first batch of "top ten cases" of deep integration of the party building business of the national procuratorial organs.

Weifang Procuratorial Development History Theme Exhibition Hall

"Both theoretical height and practical experience highlight the guiding significance of theoretical learning." In May 2023, when Weifang Procuratorate carried out a theoretical seminar with the theme of "modernization of procuratorial work", the party committee research group of the Supreme People's Procuratorate went to the scene to guide and comment.

Growth file box

Record the growth footprints of young police officers

"The life of martyr Wang Jimei is a life of struggle. He has always worked hard to complete the work of the Party with perfect standards until the last moment of his life. We should inherit the spirit of" perfection ", be realistic and pragmatic in the performance of duties, take responsibility for hard work, constantly hone excellent skills, and strive to be the youth pioneer of Weiwei Procuratorate." Zhu Hongming, director of the case management office of Weifang Procuratorate, communicated and shared with the city's young procuratorial officers at the experience sharing meeting for the growth of outstanding youth.

Weifang Procuratorate, taking the "establishment", "education", "learning", "emphasis", "doing" and "tree" as the training path, has specially set up a youth work committee, elected outstanding young police officers as members, innovated and built a series of systems such as youth work committee, youth police theory learning group, youth commandos and theory research work, organized and carried out the sharing of red classics A series of activities, such as experience sharing, youth salon, business competition and youth star selection, are held for outstanding young police officers.

In addition, Weifang Procuratorate has also customized personal growth files for young police officers. Their materials, such as the notification of selected typical cases, newspapers and periodicals that published articles, photos of participating in business competitions and various activities, and copies of honorary certificates, were neatly placed in 79 red file boxes.

In the boxy file box, the growth process of every young police officer is recorded.

It is understood that since 2022, six young policemen from Weifang procuratorial organs have won the titles of Top Ten Public Prosecutors and Business Pacesetter in business competitions at or above the provincial level, and 33 legal theory articles written by young policemen have been published in national law journals; 178 units from all over the country came to Weifang Procuratorate to exchange and learn the work experience of youth training.

Leading with high quality and efficiency

Highlight brand power in case handling

"The young prosecutors explained the spirit of" perfection "by handling cases, so that the people really felt fairness and justice." Wang Qinfeng, a deputy to the National People's Congress and the leader of Shandong Haomai Group's Spark Group, listened to the introduction of the deeds of the young prosecutors in Weifang and sighed with emotion.

The procuratorial organ of Weifang City insists on taking high quality and efficient handling of each case as the basic value pursuit, and organizes 237 young police officers to set up commandos to charge at the front line of justice for the people, fight at the forefront of procuratorial case handling, and safeguard fairness and justice with the spirit of "perfection".

When handling a criminal case involving minors, Weifang Procuratorate paid full attention to the physical and mental health of the minor victims, comprehensively evaluated the problems in the performance of guardianship, issued personalized supervision and guardianship orders to the parents of minors involved, and actively promoted the improvement of the local minors protection system and comprehensive social governance, made and issued procuratorial suggestions, forming an overall protection synergy. In February 2023, the case was selected into the 43rd batch of guiding cases of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

In handling an administrative procuratorial case, Weifang procuratorial organ extended from case handling to case like supervision, developed a big data legal supervision model, constantly found clues to case like supervision in application, and the number of cases increased steadily, truly realizing "digital empowerment supervision, supervision and governance promotion". This model won the first prize in the national big data legal supervision model competition of procuratorial organs.

In the first "routine loan" case involving criminal syndicates in Shandong Province, which was listed and supervised by the Ministry of Public Security, six young policemen from the Weifang procuratorial organ formed a case handling team, guided the public security organ to supplement 263 pieces of evidence in six months, and effectively countered the innocent plea of 18 defendants and 27 defenders with solid and sufficient evidence. The members of the case handling team were rated as "outstanding individuals in the special campaign of anti mafia and anti evil of the national procuratorial organs".

"Since the establishment of the cultural brand, 46 cases handled by the young police of our hospital have been selected as the typical cases of the procuratorial organs of the province and the whole country, and 168 young pioneers who have won the honors above the provincial level have emerged, including Guo Xiaodan, the most beautiful procurator of Shandong Province, Gu Hongyan, the national model procurator, Qiu Yu, the excellent case handling procurator of the national procuratorial organs." Zhang Jingyan, the chief procurator of Weifang Procuratorate, proudly introduced to the reporter.

On the "May 4th" Youth Day in 2023, Weifang Procuratorate held the launch ceremony of the procuratorial cultural brand of "Perfect Weifang Procuratorate Qingfeng" and the city's top ten young case handling (post) experts in procuratorial organs, and broadcast live through TV and online media, so that people can truly feel the vigorous strength of Weifang procuratorate youth pioneers.

"Everyone is the image of the procurator, the case is the fair carrier, and everyone is an expert in the post, which is our next goal The procuratorial youth who are willing to struggle in the new era inject vitality into the development of procuratorial work.

Draw spiritual strength from red culture

Deputies to the National People's Congress Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Qingzhou, Shandong Province Deputy Curator and Researcher of Qingzhou Museum Wang Ruixia: General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the hope of the cause of the Party and the country lies in the young people." The Weifang Procuratorate of Shandong Province integrated the "perfection" spirit of the regional red culture of Weifang - Wang Fanmei, the first representative of the Communist Party of China, into the training practice of young police officers, organically combined strong party spirit, red culture and procuratorial practice, and innovatively created the "perfection" of Weifang procuratorate The brand of procuratorial culture not only inherits and promotes Weifang's red culture, but also expands the social influence of procuratorial work. Under the guidance of the procuratorial cultural brand of "Perfect Weijian Qingfeng", young procuratorial police have improved their ability and skills in performing their duties and handling cases, spearheaded the judicial work for the people, and worked hard to make the people feel fair and just in every judicial case. It is hoped that procuratorial organs can further draw spiritual strength from China's excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture, creatively transform it into procuratorial culture, enrich and promote procuratorial work with culture, and contribute procuratorial power to Chinese modernization.

Sponsor: Shandong Provincial People's Procuratorate Tel: 0531-83011111

Address: No. 5592, East Second Ring Road, Jinan, Shandong Province Zip code: 250014

Record Certificate No.: Lu ICP Bei 05024181 No.1