Shandong: "Four Steps" to Promote the Deep Integration of Party Building and Prosecutorial Business, Prosecutorial Daily reported

Time: September 15, 2023 Author: Source:

Deepen theoretical research and promote integration pilot

Strengthen the typical guidance and do a good job in establishing rules and regulations

"Four steps" to promote the deep integration of party building and procuratorial work

Since June this year, the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate has introduced its experience and practices in the integration of party building and business at the provincial party building theory seminar and the national procuratorial organ theme education theory learning exchange. In July, the member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee fully affirmed the deep integration of the party building and business of the procuratorial organs in Shandong Province, and asked all political and legal units to learn from it. What is the unique skill so eye-catching? Recently, the reporter went into the hospital to find out.

"In recent years, we have conscientiously implemented the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party building and the important directive spirit of 'focusing on party building around the center and doing a good job of party building and promoting business'. According to the deployment requirements of the highest level inspection of' promoting party building and business to achieve a higher level of integrated development ', we have placed the promotion of deep integration of party building and procuratorial business in a prominent position, and solved problems and practice according to theoretical research The idea of innovation, typical promotion and guidance, and the establishment of rules and regulations to consolidate the "four steps", strengthen the integrated party building and business construction, and promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work under the guidance of the mutual promotion of party building and business. " Liu Jianjun, member of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Political Department of the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate, said the secret of the deep integration of the party building and business of the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate.

In theoretical and practical exploration

The integration idea is becoming clearer

The Shandong Provincial Procuratorate introduced its experience and practice of party building and business integration at the provincial party building theory seminar.

To promote the deep integration of party building and business, we must strengthen theoretical research, and achieve "breaking the problem" in thought, "breaking the ice" in action, and "breaking the situation" in development.

Why did you choose to study the integration of party building and business on the procuratorial committee? Is there any mature experience, practice, system and mechanism at present? " On October 29, 2021, the final of the research contest on the deep integration of party building and business work in Shandong procuratorial organs was in full swing. Zhan Wentian, a police officer of the People's Procuratorate of Pingyuan County, stood out from more than 400 contestants and became 20 respondents who entered the final with their strength after a series of screening. After Zhan Wentian stated his views, he accepted questions from the expert panel composed of the working committee of the provincial organs directly under the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee, the provincial federation of trade unions, party building experts in colleges and universities, the political department of the provincial procuratorate, and the party committees of the organs.

"After the preliminary discussion on integration, we believe that integration cannot be generalized, and we must focus on finding the breakthrough of integration. As the decision-making body of the procuratorial business, the procuratorial committee has the final decision on the procuratorial business. After research and demonstration, the party group of the Academy believes that strengthening the absolute leadership of the party over the procuratorial committee is a breakthrough to promote the integration of party building work into business decision-making. We quantified the work of party building into three standards of political theory, political ability and political responsibility, and correspondingly established a regular learning system for members of the procuratorial committee, a pre meeting marking system and a resolution tracking and implementation mechanism, so as to improve the ability of members of the procuratorial committee to find, analyze and solve problems politically. " Although a little nervous, Zhan Wentian was able to defend with ease due to full preparation, and finally won the first prize in the competition with his excellent performance.

The purpose of this seminar contest is to explore the ideas, methods and paths of the deep integration of party building and business with theoretical discussion, guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. The contest has been listed as a provincial "top ten" industry competition project for excellence in 2021 by the Working Committee of Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions.

"In the seminar competition, we organized the procuratorial organs of the whole province to carefully study the general requirements for the construction of the Party in the new era, guide the procuratorial police to think about how to consciously understand and deal with business issues from a political perspective, make the procuratorial business deeper and more realistic to reflect the political requirements, and create a strong atmosphere of promoting training and promoting implementation through competition and learning." Du Juhong, Deputy Director of the Grass roots Work Department of the Political Department of Shandong Provincial Procuratorate, guided the whole process and participated in the discussion contest as a judge.

The successful holding of the seminar contest is a vivid practice of "breaking the theoretical research topic". Since then, the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate has set up the topic of in-depth integration of party building and business in special research and theoretical research topics and the initiation of procuratorial work innovation projects, played a combination of theoretical research, and expedited a batch of original theoretical research results that are practical and functional. The idea of integration of party building and business is becoming clearer.

In promoting pilot projects and brand building Bear fruitful results

The "Three Ups" Working Method of the Party Branch of the First Procuratorate of Weifang Procuratorate was rated as the "Top Ten Cases" of the Deep Integration of Party Building and Business in the National Procuratorate.

Strengthen practical innovation, carry out in-depth integration pilot, and promote more effective integration of party building and business. The Shandong Provincial Procuratorate organized 20 units or departments of the three-level procuratorates to carry out the pilot project of deep integration of party building and business in accordance with the principle of "adjusting measures to local conditions, innovative exploration, and overall coordination".

Weifang Procuratorate innovated and established the "three up" working method when exploring the same frequency resonance and deep integration of party building and business, that is, the branch is built on the business department, and a branch is a battle fortress; Party members struggle on the front line of case handling, and a party member is a typical banner; A typical model is an example of heroes who devote themselves to handling difficult and complicated cases and major cases. So as to boost the high-quality development of procuratorial work.

"We have received the compensation, thank you the prosecutor." The villager representative Zhang sent the banner with the words "fair justice, fair people" to Fang Weihong, the prosecutor of Weifang Procuratorate. This is a procuratorial supervision case of land administrative registration involving the rights and interests of more than 60 villagers. The administrative procurators of the court insisted on taking the people as the center in handling cases, gave full play to the role of the Party branch as a fighting fortress, the vanguard role of Party members and the leading role of advanced models, comprehensively used public interest litigation and administrative procuratorial functions, promoted reconciliation between the parties to the dispute, and enabled more than 60 villagers to receive compensation in a timely manner. The case was rated as an excellent case of national administrative procuratorial work in 2021 and a typical case of administrative procuratorial work of Shandong Province in serving "six stability", "six guarantees" and "procuratorial work for the people".

Gu Hongyan, the procurator of Weifang Procuratorate, is also a member of the first party branch propaganda committee. He successfully handled a series of online "routine loan" cases of Fu and others, which were listed and supervised by the National Anti Mafia Office, and was rated as outstanding individuals in the special campaign of anti Mafia and anti evil by the national procuratorial organs, and was successively elected as representatives of the Party Congress of Weifang City and Shandong Province. This is the true portrayal of the Court's "Three Ups" working law in the front line of procuratorial work.

"We have set up temporary party branches and party member commandos in major projects and tasks, so that wherever the procuratorial work is carried out, the party building work will follow up." Zhang Jingyan, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Weifang Procuratorate, said when talking about the "Three Ups" working method.

The unremitting efforts of Weifang Procuratorate have yielded fruitful results in the integration of party building and business: grid management is implemented for key links in case handling, and different party groups are set up; We have established a training system for top-notch talents, business experts and advanced models, and 6 provincial prosecutorial business pacesetters and 1 national prosecutorial business pacesetter have emerged successively; Ten policemen from the Weicheng District Procuratorate formed a party member commando team, successfully handled the "10 · 6" special case, and were awarded the first class merit by the highest procuratorate.

With the deepening of the integration pilot, the procuratorial organ of Shandong Province focused on the crux of the deep integration of party building and business, put forward targeted integration ideas and measures, and formed a batch of innovative practices and pilot results that meet the requirements of the superior, meet the needs of the procuratorate, and fit the local reality. For example, the People's Procuratorate of Mengyin County has enriched the procuratorial work with the spirit of red Yimeng, created the brand of party building of "red Yimeng inspection casts the soul and cultivates the yuan", and led the high-quality development of procuratorial work with high-quality party building; The Shanting District Procuratorate of Zaozhuang City has established three mechanisms of learning and education, business integration, and supervision and evaluation to promote the integration of ideas, strength, and responsibility, and improve the combat effectiveness and execution of the team; Linqu County Procuratorate, drawing on traditional wisdom, has explored and created a "tenon and mortise" working method for the deep integration of party building and business, and promoted the "penetration and integration" of their goals, forms, processes and effects. On July 10 this year, the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate held a conference on promoting the deep integration of party building and business of the procuratorial organs in the province, and 17 city and county procuratorates exchanged and shared experiences and practices.

"Through the pilot project of deep integration of party building and business, not only the spirit of entrepreneurship of procuratorial officers and police officers has been condensed, but also the ability to analyze problems and handle cases from a political perspective has been improved, and the quality and efficiency of handling cases have been greatly improved. Our overall work has taken the lead from a relatively weak hospital to a model hospital for overcoming difficulties in Shandong Province." Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Juancheng County Procuratorate The Procurator General Wang Lei has deep feelings about this. Through a series of concept guidance and work exploration, the pilot units and departments, relying on the party building work, have stimulated the strong endogenous power of the development of procuratorial business, and promoted the quality and efficiency of procuratorial business.

In the selection of typical cases Leading and promoting characteristic brands

Party members and policemen of Qixia Procuratorate visited and investigated the losses suffered by fruit farmers.

In order to strengthen the typical guidance and make the deep integration of party building and business have a benchmark and direction, Shandong Provincial Procuratorate insists on taking the typical guidance as an important starting point to promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work, actively cultivate advanced models, achieve the goal of taking the model with the model and emerging in an endless stream, and form a typical pattern of three-level procuratorates and all lines, Lead and promote the in-depth integration and development of party building and business.

"In recent years, our hospital has actively explored the path of deep integration of party building and business according to the deployment of the superior hospital, but we don't know how to do it, and even the direction is ambiguous. After the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate released the first batch of typical cases of deep integration of party building and business last year, we summarized and refined the practice of making the "three centers and three integrations" party building brand practical and excellent, and high-quality handling of cross-border dumping of hazardous waste cases along the Yellow River, and selected the second batch of typical cases of deep integration of party building and business of Shandong Provincial Procuratorate, We have further strengthened our enthusiasm to serve the implementation of the major national strategy of the Yellow River by actively performing our duties from the three levels of cohesion, handling cases and promoting governance under the leadership of party building. " Jiao Peng, Secretary of the Second Party Branch of the People's Procuratorate of Zhangqiu District, Jinan, said with deep understanding.

The selection of typical cases is a push for the dissemination, promotion and guidance of good experiences and practices. Jiang Yuanbin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Qixia Municipal Procuratorate, said, "When Shandong Provincial Procuratorate selected the first batch of typical cases of deep integration of party building and business, we were very confident at the beginning of our participation. After comparing the selected cases, we found the gap. We have fully learned from typical practices, closely adhered to the functional orientation of the main apple producing areas in our city, and guided by the "Danxia Qijian" party building brand, created a four in one battle fortress of "Party building leads strong faith, secretaries recognize dual points, branches are built in orchards, and teams contact the village head", and the "four prosecutors" work together to safeguard the rights and interests of fruit farmers and escort the sustainable development of the fruit industry, Relevant experience and practice made a typical speech at the conference on promoting the deep integration of party building and business of Shandong procuratorial organs. "

"Thanks to the procuratorial organ to help me recover my losses," said the fruit farmer who sent the banner excitedly to the prosecutor who handled the case. When handling a case of fake and shoddy organic fertilizer, Qixia Municipal Procuratorate found that the fertilizer caused damage to fruit trees and serious losses to fruit farmers, so it started the "green channel" for protecting the rights and interests of fruit farmers. On the one hand, the Court coordinated with the Judicial Bureau to carry out legal aid, and coordinated the agricultural and forestry departments to identify the damage of fruit trees and fix the evidence; On the other hand, the Court actively supported the prosecution of fruit farmers to help them recover their economic losses to the maximum extent. In recent years, the institute has adhered to the integration of party building and business into active coordination and linkage, established a systematic thinking, adhered to the integration of top and bottom, internal and external linkage, strengthened the transfer of clues internally, coordinated and cooperated well, and led all departments externally to jointly implement policies to maximize the protection of fruit farmers' rights and interests.

The typical demonstration of the integration of party building and business is not limited to "cases". Shandong Provincial Procuratorate also released three batches of typical examples of the construction of grass-roots procuratorates, all of which include examples of the integration of party building and business, and praised two batches of collectives and individuals with outstanding performance in party building. One case was rated as the first batch of "top ten cases" of the deep integration of party building and business of procuratorial organs nationwide, Three cases were rated as "innovative cases" and "characteristic cases" of theoretical learning.

Under construction Explore the integration of party building and business

The party branches of the two level procuratorates in Heze City jointly carried out theme party day activities.

To promote the deep integration of party building and business, we must strengthen the system of building rules and regulations, and lay the foundation for stability and long-term development. The procuratorial organ of Shandong Province conscientiously summarized innovative practices and solidified them into institutional mechanisms, formulated measures and measures for the deep integration of party building and business, and promoted the deep integration of party building and business with "laws" and "rules" to follow.

"We found that only with 'rules' to follow can we better realize the deep integration of party building and business. On the basis of the national standardized pilot project of' grassroots procuratorial services', our hospital has formulated the Ten Measures for the Deep Integration of Party Building and Business of the People's Procuratorate in Jimo District, which has become the operating procedures for promoting the deep integration of party building and business." Yu Zhongjun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Jimo District Procuratorate of Qingdao, said.

Heze Procuratorate not only printed and distributed the Implementation Plan for Further Promoting the Deep Integration of Party Building and Business, but also formulated the Assessment Method for the Development of Deep Integration of Party Building and Business (Trial), so that the deep integration of party building and business has both direction and power.

Institutes at all levels conscientiously summarized experience, and various methods for in-depth integration of party building and business have sprung up. According to statistics, Shandong procuratorial organs have formed more than 220 system achievements; On the basis of the pilot project of deep integration of party building and business, the Provincial Procuratorate has sorted out and formed the Guidelines for the Implementation of Shandong Procuratorate's Party Building Work (for Trial Implementation), which includes 8 chapters and 43 items, revised and improved 58 party building systems, and laid the institutional foundation for continuing to promote the deep integration of party building and business.

Recently, the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate held a conference to promote the deep integration of party building and business in the procuratorial organs of the province, summarize the practical results, realistically analyze the problems in the deep integration, summarize the understanding and experience of promoting the deep integration of party building and business, and put forward the idea of "six firm grasp" of the deep integration of party building and business, that is, firmly uphold the "two establishment" We will resolutely fulfill the primary task of "two maintenance", and practice absolute loyalty to the Party with practical actions that start with the first step and do a good job in their own work; We should firmly grasp the fundamental guarantee of holding high the ideological banner and strengthening the Party's innovative theoretical arm, and take more practical measures to guide action with Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; We should firmly grasp the foothold of taking responsibility for practical work and promoting development, and take a stronger role in serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and taking responsibility for the rule of law; We should firmly grasp the solid foundation of improving the organizational system, forging a strong and powerful grass-roots party organization, and shape a tight and effective organizational system; We should firmly grasp the key of strengthening organizational leadership and implementing the responsibility of Party building, compact the responsibility of Party building with more stringent requirements, and make overall progress; We should firmly grasp the development momentum of strengthening innovation awareness and making good use of reform thinking, lead development with innovation, shape image with brand, and consolidate achievements with system.

Sponsor: Shandong Provincial People's Procuratorate Tel: 0531-83011111

Address: No. 5592, East Second Ring Road, Jinan, Shandong Province Zip code: 250014

Record Certificate No.: Lu ICP Bei 05024181 No.1