Yiyuan, Zibo: the same frequency resonance of party building business enables high-quality development of procuratorial work

Time: August 31, 2023 Author: Source:

Since this year, the Procuratorate of Yiyuan County has insisted on serving the overall situation, being responsible for peace and justice for the people, actively exploring the innovation of both party building and business, comprehensively forging the party building brand matrix of "party flag inspection emblem matching red", promoting the organic integration of party building and business, promoting win-win situation, and earnestly leading and ensuring efficient procuratorial performance with high-quality party building.

We will pay close attention to the implementation of responsibilities and strive to build a system of joint responsibility between the top and the bottom. Adhere to the same planning, deployment, implementation and inspection of party building and business work, strive to build a four level linkage responsibility system of "the institute's party group+the organ's party committee+the party branch+the party group", establish and improve the "double reporting" mechanism of party building and business, and focus on giving play to the role of the party group organization in guiding and guaranteeing governance. Strictly implement the activities of "one regular meeting every week, one comment every month, one assessment every quarter, and one summary every year", improve the "quality and efficiency display platform for party building and business", quantify all assessment tasks to the post and divide them to the people, carry out the "three color early warning" of green, yellow and red, report the assessment indicators of party building and business every month and every quarter, and effectively put party building work into all links of the procuratorial work The whole process. One police officer was awarded the title of "Outstanding Individual in the Party Building Work of the Provincial Procuratorate".

Focus on strengthening the foundation and strengthening the foundation, and focus on improving political literacy and business ability. Always adhere to the "political perspective", vigorously implement the two major improvement projects of political literacy and professional ability, deeply implement the "Four Ones" talent training mechanism and the "Six Ones" practical activity plan, build the "Friday Classroom" learning front, and implement the theme of "Party Group Theory Center Group+Institutional Party Committee+Party Branch+Youth Theory Study Group" students, Create a good atmosphere of mutual learning, comparison and surpassing in the whole hospital. Deepen the integration construction of internal institutions and party branches, and create eight grid systems with departments as party groups based on the actual work. The department head will serve as the leader of the party group, so as to achieve deep organizational integration, form a battleground, and achieve the same direction of party building business.

Pay close attention to the central work, and focus on exploring new ways of integration and mutual promotion. Adhere to serving the overall situation, implement the mode of "one advanced model to help and lead several key case handling cadres", and give full play to the vanguard role of party members in implementing the key work deployment of Zibo Procuratorate and County Party Committee. Two case handling teams have been successively rated as "Outstanding Collective in Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the City" and "Outstanding Collective in Special Action of" Two Hits "in the Province. Adhere to the responsibility for safety, build the Party organization to the front line of case handling, implement the working mode of "Party group+case handling group", and complete the investigation and handling of many major difficult cases with high quality. Adhere to the principle of justice for the people, deepen the "double check in" activity, transfer 21 party members to form a vanguard team, take the lead in hanging bags to visit people involved in legal and litigation related letters and visits, regularly carry out legal propaganda, volunteer services and other activities, listen to the urgent needs of the masses, and improve the satisfaction of the masses. Party members "led the case to the countryside", entered the village and entered the house for public hearing, appeared in court for public prosecution, facilitated the people for the people, and created a new front to practice the "Maple Bridge Experience".

Pay close attention to the brand matrix, and strive to build a platform for party building and business integration. Focusing on deepening brand building, aiming at building "five type branches" (learning, service, hard work, innovation, and integrity), driven by the innovation of procuratorial work, and on the basis of summarizing the connotation and extension of the party building brand of "Party flag, inspection emblem and red", we are committed to building three distinctive party building sub brands of the organ. Based on the functions of departments and business lines, create eight business brands that meet the characteristics of the department, comprehensively enhance the influence of refined branch brands such as the "Qingqing Yihe" brand that has not been inspected, and the "Qingfeng Yijian" brand that is clean and honest. "The party flag inspection emblem matches red" won the honorary title of "Top Ten Organ Party Building Brands in the County", and achieved the goal of updating the concept of procuratorial work under the leadership of party building, Fully released the deep integration effect of party building and business.

Sponsor: Shandong Provincial People's Procuratorate Tel: 0531-83011111

Address: No. 5592, East Second Ring Road, Jinan, Shandong Province Zip code: 250014

Record Certificate No.: Lu ICP Bei 05024181 No.1