Heze Yuncheng: "Theme Party Day+" Model Makes Party Building Vigorous

Time: August 18, 2023 Author: Source:

Since this year, Yuncheng County Procuratorate has actively promoted the deep integration of party building and procuratorial business, taken multiple measures to innovate the organizational life style, enriched the connotation of "theme party day", encouraged party members, cadres and policemen to identify themselves, build images, do good deeds, and achieve good results, thus activating the "one pool of spring water" of party building.

Theme Party Day Political guidance

Always light up the "one lamp" of ideals and beliefs

Yuncheng County Procuratorate took special subject study and discussion as an effective form to carry out theme party day activities, organized young party members and activists to participate in, so that they can accept theoretical edification, feel ideological greatness, and strengthen their ideological height and ideological consciousness "from a political perspective". In order to further study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, various branches and youth theory learning groups of the Academy organized and carried out several activities, such as collective learning, interactive exchanges, thematic discussions, etc., to guide procuratorial practice with learning results. In order to promote learning education to further go deep, to the heart and to the reality, while adhering to centralized learning, the hospital constantly innovates learning methods, enriches learning carriers, and improves the pertinence and effectiveness of learning. Make full use of local red resources in Yuncheng, organize party members and police officers to study and educate the history of the party in education bases such as Yuncheng County Museum, Memorial Hall of the Former Site of the Southwest Shandong Campaign Headquarters, and pay homage to the martyrs' cemetery and review the oath of joining the party. Party members and policemen were organized to watch red films such as "Red Flag Sweeping Westerly Wind" and "Changjin Lake", held "Red Book Fair", carried out "Model Power" advanced and typical propaganda activities, and strengthened their ideals and beliefs in various activities to draw spiritual strength.

Theme Party Day Procuratorial business

Ignite passion and entrepreneurship "a fire"

The Institute gives full play to the positive role of Party members in being pioneers, setting an example, strengthening business and promoting development, so as to make Party building more leading and effective. As the largest gathering place of Party members, the business department of "four major procurators" undertakes the heavy task of handling cases, and actively moves the theme party day activities to the joint meeting of prosecutors, public hearings, follow-up and supervision "looking back" in combination with business work, so as to mobilize work enthusiasm and enrich the connotation of organizational life. In the procuratorial performance of duties, a number of special work shifts and "Party member commandos" for major and difficult issues were set up with the party members as the main body, and the strength and wisdom were gathered in the form of theme party day activities to promote the normalization of anti mafia and eliminate vicious fights, and the supervision of red resource protection public interest litigation and other work to achieve results. The hospital insists on "building the Party branch in the department, being the pioneer in the post, and being the party flag in the work". The party police adhere to the spirit of "striving for perfection", "being the top", and "winning". They insist on "being able to see in ordinary times, standing when difficult, and rushing when critical", highlight the exemplary role of party members, and vigorously promote the comprehensive, coordinated and full development of "four major procuratorates" and "ten major businesses".

Theme Party Day Escort people's livelihood

Carrying the "banner" of serving the masses

two thousand and twenty-three On the eve of the "March 8th" International Women's Day in, the Academy organized police officers to hold a special lecture on the rule of law in Suiguantun Town, where women walked with the law, to publicize the knowledge of the series of rule of law policies, laws and regulations on the protection of women's rights and interests, and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In order to carry out the activities of "I do practical things for the masses" in detail, the hospital used the forms of performing duties and handling cases, visiting and investigating, and "double registration" of party members' communities to listen to the voices of the masses at the grass-roots level, solicit opinions and suggestions, and ensure that each specific procuratorial business is transformed into a practical measure of procuratorial work for the people, convenient for the people, beneficial to the people and beneficial to the people. The majority of party members and police officers, focusing on areas such as old-age fraud and juvenile protection, and taking the branch as a unit, jointly helped the "two committees" of the village and organizations such as civil affairs, human resources and social security, the Communist Youth League, and the Women's Federation to carry out specific actions in a down-to-earth manner. Since this year, they have accumulatively organized activities such as sending people to the countryside, legal advice, and charity donations twenty More times. Next, the Institute will continue to enrich and improve the "theme party day" by promoting the deep integration of party building and business +” The model encourages all branches of the organs to carry out activities with distinctive themes, characteristics and obvious effects in combination with the actual procuratorial work, gradually cultivate and create the highlights of the procuratorial brand of Yuncheng, and form a vivid situation of high-quality development of the procuratorial work empowered by party building.

Sponsor: Shandong Provincial People's Procuratorate Tel: 0531-83011111

Address: No. 5592, East Second Ring Road, Jinan, Shandong Province Zip code: 250014

Record Certificate No.: Lu ICP Bei 05024181 No.1