Dezhou Mausoleum: Deeply cultivate the party building brand of "checking the heart to the party red and blue" to promote the deep integration and development of party building business

Time: August 11, 2023 Author: Source: Lingjian Online

In recent years, Lingcheng District Procuratorate of Dezhou City has adhered to the leadership of party building, Taking promoting the deep integration of party building business as the starting point and focus, Party building To integrate into all aspects of procuratorial work, deeply cultivate the party building brand of "procuratorial heart to the party red and blue", and help the procuratorial work to continue to promote and improve.

Give play to the role of vertical linkage of party building

Strengthen the leading power of political thought

Build the "ballast stone" of political loyalty and ideals and beliefs. The first political task is to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The Procurator General takes the lead in writing experiences, carrying out propaganda, and giving special Party courses. All branches focus on learning the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; At the beginning of the year, we formulated the key points of the Party building work of the Party Leadership Group, studied and listened to the report on the Party building work, and deployed and promoted the Party building and business together.

Grasp the "lifeline" of the integration of ideological work and business work. The hospital organized 82 person times of heart to heart talks with all the staff, carried out "Tongxin Yuan" space sharing activities every month, solidly promoted the "Qinglan Project" mentoring talent training plan, and 15 young policemen joined the provincial and municipal procuratorates and the hospital's business backbone to learn from each other, accelerating the growth of new party members and policemen.

Give play to the internal and external role of Party building

Increase the cohesion of team building and business building

Gather the resultant force with "the inner belt as the grip". Invite 5 leaders, including professors from the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee and the Organization Department of the District Party Committee, to the Institute to guide the Party building work; The general election will be held for 8 branches, and the department head will act as the secretary of the Party branch to ensure that the responsibility of "one post with two responsibilities" is fully fulfilled; To optimize the "Heart warming Project", each branch, in addition to carrying out activities such as the theme party day, organizes and carries out activities with the theme of "Seven Ones" in combination with important nodes such as the "July 1" Party Day, so as to make the party building activities more effective. The activities not only let the party members and policemen learn theoretical knowledge, but also strengthened the team's collective entrepreneurial force.

Promote joint innovation with "outreach as the link". Wang Xiaofei, a deputy to the National People's Congress, was invited to give a lecture on the spirit of the NPC and CPPCC sessions to the police in the hospital. With the Second Inspection Bureau of Dezhou Taxation Bureau, we carried out the activity of "building red, blue and color together in pairs" to empower development with party building, pool the joint efforts of tax inspection work with party building, strengthen the connection and cooperation of tax inspection work, unblock data sharing channels, actively explore new highlights of tax inspection cooperation in party building and business, build a new pattern of tax inspection governance, and achieve the overall effect of 1+1>2. Anchor the field of public interest litigation, and create the brand of public interest litigation of "check and run the people's hearts". On the basis of making full use of the big data platform of the hospital to comprehensively figure out the clues of public interest litigation cases, the public interest litigation team deepened the cooperation and linkage with the natural resources department, tax department and other administrative authorities, solidly carried out the special supervision activities of land tax collection and supervision of public interest litigation, and gathered the joint force of "procuratorial+administrative" to promote "city management" with "our management".

Give play to the advantages of brand cluster

Enhance the overall combat effectiveness of integrated development

Adhere to the party building concept of "building the party organization on the business department". Strengthen the party organization construction of business departments, better stimulate the internal driving force of branch leading business development, strengthen the red internal drive, and give full play to the role of branch as a battleground and the exemplary role of party members through the construction of one branch and one brand, so that the development of party building and business work can be promoted, mutually promoted, integrated with innovation, and comprehensively improved, Actively perform their duties to solve the people's urgent problems. Each business line strives to create the brand of "red and blue cast color" by taking the branch as the unit, and strives to form the cultural brand of "warm mausoleum" with the connotation of "one branch and one leaf of general customs sentiment" and the party building brand of "examining the heart and casting color to the party red and blue" with the core value of "advocating positive energy, promoting new realm, conserving ecology, striving to take the lead, and assuming the mission bravely".

Branch brands add color to the overall brand. Actively promote the strategy of "one branch, one brand". The first party branch continues to build the brand of "criminal inspection salon". The second party branch continues to build the brand of "enterprise inspection service station". The third party branch builds the brand of "one heart, one dream" not inspected. The fourth party branch builds the brand of "check and run people's hearts". The party building brands of each branch add luster to the overall party building brand of Lingjian. Since this year, while protecting the legitimate rights and interests of minors in accordance with the law, the "One Heart Dream" team has carried out more than 30 law popularization activities, with more than 20000 educated teachers and students. The Fourth Party Branch relies on the "1+1+N" working mode of NPC supervision, procuratorial supervision, and administrative law enforcement by administrative organs. For the legal supervision of gas safety, relevant units take effective measures in time to prevent problems before they occur. The Fifth Party Branch, based on its functions, established the "judicial assistance+N" mechanism, actively publicized the judicial assistance policy, made good use of the "Party member demonstration post" effect, changed the "passive assistance" into "active assistance", used emotion to solve practical difficulties for the people who became poor and returned to poverty due to cases, handled 10 cases of judicial assistance, issued relief funds of 125000 yuan, and tried to practice "serving the people" Original intention.

Sponsor: Shandong Provincial People's Procuratorate Tel: 0531-83011111

Address: No. 5592, East Second Ring Road, Jinan, Shandong Province Zip code: 250014

Record Certificate No.: Lu ICP Bei 05024181 No.1