Surabaya, Jining: Adhere to the leadership of party building and continuously stimulate the potential of dynamic performance

Time: July 21, 2023 Author: Source:

Since this year, the Procuratorate of Sishui County has insisted on leading the development of high-quality procuratorial work with high-quality party building, leading business with party building, promoting party building with business, and continuously stimulating new momentum of procuratorial work. In the first half of the year, the institute was awarded the mobile red flag of party building by the working committee of the county party committee and the county government organs six Second, the first party branch of the organ was awarded "Advanced Grass roots Party Organization" by the Sishui County Party Committee.

Strengthen the concept of Party spirit and strengthen ideological education

Consolidate the "main position"

Always regard theoretical learning as the fundamental way of ideological education for Party members, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, strictly implement the "first issue" of the Party Group, the learning system of the theoretical learning center group, and carry out the study and discussion of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era in a regular manner, and make full use of "learning to strengthen the country", "beacon party building online", "China Securities Regulatory Network Institute" And other learning platforms to effectively transform the learning results into a powerful force to strengthen the ideals, temper the Party spirit and promote work. Deepen the education of procuratorial professional ethics, implement the constitutional oath system for induction and promotion, improve the recognition and reward mechanism, and constantly enhance the professional sense of honor of party members and police officers.

Strengthen the basic foundation and build a strong battle fort

Responding to the "new test"

We have always taken standardized management as the basis of grass-roots party building, elected the first CPC Sishui County People's Procuratorate organ committee and organ discipline inspection committee, and standardized the implementation of "three meetings and one lesson" and other organizational life systems. Deepen the activity of "three brightness, three competition and three competition", carry out joint party building activities with the party branch of Mashi Village, Quanlin Town, carry out legal publicity, legal consultation, mediation of contradictions and disputes and other voluntary services, send the law to "farmers' night school", and help rural revitalization.

Strengthen overall awareness and provide accurate and powerful services

Show "new action"

Always regard serving the overall situation as the top priority of the Party spirit practice, and thoroughly carry out high-quality development under the rule of law“ 5+N” We launched the "Twelve Measures on Fully Performing Procuratorial Functions and Continuously Optimizing the Legalized Business Environment", worked with audit institutions to jointly create a "double engine" supervision mechanism, recruited public interest litigation volunteers to join the procuratorial "circle of friends", and built "prosecutors Deputies to the National People's Congress Grid member The working mode of "Director of Children" is to serve the overall situation and the people's justice.

Strengthen the leadership of party building and promote business improvement

Stimulate "new vitality"

We have always taken the integration of procuratorial work into the construction of the Party as the main theme of development, carried out the ten major actions of "three competitions, three competitions", and concentrated activities of community double registration and co construction, and improved the strength of political theory to guide procuratorial practice. Highlight the deep integration of party building business and brand building, take the party building brand of "checking the heart to the party and maintaining justice" as the guide, cultivate and shape the juvenile procuratorial brand "Quanxin Runhe", the public interest litigation procuratorial brand "Quanyuan Yixin", the procuratorial team building brand "Quanxiang Qingjian" and the digital procuratorial brand "Quanjian Digital Intelligence", and strive to create a "Quan" prefix brand matrix.

Strengthens can be improved to give full play to talent

Build a "new force"

Always regard strengthening team building as the core task of grass-roots party building, and establish "Quanxiang Youth Inspection Center" π The college held a "Pi" inspection meeting, held a youth prosecutorial forum, carried out a "cloud exchange" of cross provincial team building, held a regular contest of "second party" case debate, and focused on cultivating young prosecutorial talents with improved ability at the "second party" level. Since this year, twenty Person times won the commendation at or above the county level, "Creating" Three Systems "to Improve the Quality and Efficiency of Procuratorates Assigned in an All round Way" was published and promoted by the highest procuratorial journal and ranked on the list of the city's reform achievements, and "Definition of Responsibilities and Relationship between Procuratorates Assigned and Patrol Prosecutors" was rated as an excellent paper by the Procuratorial Research Association of the China Law Society.

Strengthen style construction and build a solid ideological defense line

Strengthen "low cost power"

We have always taken Party building and promoting culture and strict discipline and promoting integrity as the important content of strict inspection, thoroughly refined and improved the discipline style of the procuratorial team, strictly implemented the "three regulations" to prevent interference in justice, reviewed the oath of joining the Party and carried out warning education in the Party History Memorial Hall and the County Integrity Education Exhibition Hall, and successively held "talking about integrity and discipline" for team members, and "young policemen talking about integrity" And other activities to constantly strengthen the ideal, temper the Party spirit and draw strength.

Sponsor: Shandong Provincial People's Procuratorate Tel: 0531-83011111

Address: No. 5592, East Second Ring Road, Jinan, Shandong Province Zip code: 250014

Record Certificate No.: Lu ICP Bei 05024181 No.1