Weifang Kuiwen: Party building leads and empowers to promote the "three integration" working method and activate the "optimal solution" of unchecked work

Time: July 20, 2023 Author: Source:

in recent years, Weifang City The Procuratorate of Kuiwen District, in view of the actual situation in its jurisdiction, gave full play to the role of party building in leading and empowering, and activated the "best solution" of the uninspected work by building a "three integration" working method of deep integration of party building guidance and procuratorial performance, deep integration with social responsibility, and deep integration with brand building, so as to consciously shoulder the political responsibility of the protection of minors in the new era by procuratorial performance. Weifang City The Procuratorate of Kuiwen District has won many honors, such as the National Advanced Collective for Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women and Children, the National Youth Rights Defending Post, the provincial "Youth Rights Defending Post" pacesetter, the provincial "Youth Civilization", and the Weifang Advanced Party Organization. The hospital's "Leading and empowering the party building to enhance the" three integration "working method and activate the" optimal solution "of the uninspected work" was selected as the second batch of typical cases of the deep integration of party building and business in the provincial procuratorial organs.

Promote business through party building, and make procuratorial performance more effective

Weifang City The Procuratorate of Kuiwen District actively promotes the deep integration of the party building work and the minors' procuratorial work. Through clear positioning, innovative mechanism, team building and other ways, it maintains a clear head and bright eyes in handling major cases and matters, and focuses on the overall situation and guidance in case effect and impact, forming a strong joint force of the party building to promote business.

Promote joint construction with party building, and escort growth to be more powerful

Weifang City The Procuratorate of Kuiwen District extends the protection of minors in many ways, bases itself on the procuratorial function, innovates the mechanism of joint construction, promotes the integration of judicial protection into family, school, society, network and government protection through cooperation and linkage with relevant departments, guides the participation of the whole society, forms a joint force for the protection of minors, and realizes“ 1+5 6= Real ".

Building the brand with party building, the procuratorial iron army is more dynamic

Weifang Kuiwen District Procuratorate Firmly grasp the main line of forging a double excellent procuratorial team for party building and business, strengthen the team, compact the responsibility, improve the mechanism, cultivate talents, practically integrate the organizational advantages of the party into the business work, and promote the integration of political and business capabilities of the team. The connotation of the uninspected brand "Chunyuan" of the hospital has been continuously deepened, and it has been rated as a high-quality innovation project for many consecutive years.

next step, Weifang City The Procuratorate of Kuiwen District will continue to aim at the Party building brand and the business brand to work together, stimulate business vitality with the endogenous power of Party building, focus on guiding business construction with political construction, effectively handle "small cases" that are related to the foundation of the Party's governance and the vital interests of the masses, and truly implement the procuratorial original intention of "making people feel fair and just in every judicial case".

Sponsor: Shandong Provincial People's Procuratorate Tel: 0531-83011111

Address: No. 5592, East Second Ring Road, Jinan, Shandong Province Zip code: 250014

Record Certificate No.: Lu ICP Bei 05024181 No.1