Heze Dongming: Stick to the original intention and take responsibility

Time: July 5, 2023 Author: Source:

To celebrate the founding of the Communist Party of China one hundred and two In the past few days, Dongming County Procuratorate has been celebrating the "Seventh Anniversary" · A series of activities led the party members and policemen to further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and to devote themselves to the procuratorial work with more high morale and enthusiasm, so as to contribute to the realization of the procuratorial goal of "doing first, striving for first, and creating the only" in Heze.

Organize a party building observation and evaluation

In order to strengthen the standardization and standardization construction of the branches and comprehensively improve the level of party building work of the organs, the party committee of Dongming County Procuratorate recently organized the observation and mutual evaluation of party building work of the branches. At the activity site, all members of the Party Committee and secretaries of each branch of the organ made comments on the "three meetings and one lesson", theme party days, party building and business integration, heart to heart talks, quantitative management of party members' points, party member development, etc. of each branch since this year twenty Comprehensive evaluation and quantitative scoring shall be carried out for each work. Further deepened the "Sincere Red" · Justice Blue · Deeply love the brand leadership of "Yellow" party building, and constantly promote the deep integration of party building business.

Visit the Red Education Base

Recently, retired old party members and young party policemen from the Dongming County Procuratorate visited the former site of the first rural party branch in Heze, the Xiaying Party branch, to review the revolutionary history, deepen the learning and education of party history, and inherit the red gene. During the activity, retired old party members and young party policemen carefully looked at the exhibits in the old site of the party branch, understood in detail the hard process of the first rural party branch in Heze City, felt the noble spirit of revolutionary seniors who are not afraid of sacrifice and firm in belief, and relived the war years of hard struggle. Everyone expressed that they would further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, keep in mind their original intention to serve the Party, work hard, forge ahead bravely, and contribute more to the high-quality development of the procuratorial cause.

Hold a national flag raising ceremony

Recently, all officers of Dongming County Procuratorate dressed neatly and were full of energy, and held a solemn national flag raising ceremony. Prosecutors sang the "March of the Volunteers" in unison. The bright five-star red flag was rising with the rising sun. The police officers expressed their infinite love for the motherland with full enthusiasm and high morale, and they wished the great party and the great motherland.

Reviewing the oath of joining the Party

I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution... "Recently, a strong oath sounded in the conference room of the Dongming County Procuratorate, and all the party members and policemen wore procuratorial uniforms, raised their right fists, and reviewed the oath of joining the party. The sonorous and forceful oath reminds every party member and police officer to always remember the original intention of joining the party, consciously abide by the party's constitution, and practice their duties and missions all their lives.

Watch a patriotic movie

Recently, the procurators of Dongming County People's Procuratorate watched a patriotic movie. After watching the film, the procurators said that they should always remember the Chinese nation's indomitable and resolute spirit of struggle, constantly improve their professional knowledge, professional ability, professional style and professionalism, and in the new era and new journey, they should be more realistic and pragmatic with higher standards, stricter requirements, more practical style, and be responsible and practical. Through the handling of cases one by one, and the implementation of each work, Serve the overall situation of development and safeguard fairness and justice.

Sponsor: Shandong Provincial People's Procuratorate Tel: 0531-83011111

Address: No. 5592, East Second Ring Road, Jinan, Shandong Province Zip code: 250014

Record Certificate No.: Lu ICP Bei 05024181 No.1