Huantai, Zibo: The integration of party building and business depends on the procuratorial organs

Time: June 29, 2023 Author: Source:

Huantai County Procuratorate has always adhered to the principle of people first, fully played the leading role of party building and cohesive force, led by the brand of "Lianying Huan Procuratorate is different from others", and earnestly carried out the integration of party building and business to promote a game of chess, further injecting "red kinetic energy" into procuratorial work in the new era. The hospital has been in the forefront of Zibo for three consecutive years in performance evaluation. It has been awarded the title of "Advanced Grass roots Party Organization" by Zibo Municipal Party Committee, and the Third Party Branch has been named as "Municipal Model Party Branch" by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.

Focusing on the soul inspection of the Party building, to strengthen the core and ensure the stability and development of the procuratorial cause

Integrate with political theory, take "three meetings and one lesson" as the carrier, take the construction of learning party organization as a central work, and actively guide the police to carry out procuratorial work first "from a political perspective". Integrating with basic training, explore the establishment of "Party building business learning season", integrate the learning of the Party's theory and procuratorial business, create "four classrooms" for in-depth study, and simultaneously improve the political ability and professional quality of police officers. Integrate with daily case handling, use case seminars, analysis meetings and other ways to let police talk about experience and understanding from the height of "emphasizing politics", and effectively enhance political capacity building and business quality improvement.

Focusing on the overall situation of party building and financing, promoting the overall implementation of procuratorial work with service development

Taking the implementation of the "two laws" as an opportunity, cross departmental transfer of party members' business backbones to establish a professional case handling team for non censorship, establish a "Qinglian" minors protection studio, multi departmental linkage, integration of arrest, prosecution, supervision, prevention and education, and firmly weave a dense minors protection network.

Always stand firmly on the people's position, fully perform the function of judicial assistance, form a long-term support pair with the rescued, coordinate education, health and other departments to solve their real life problems such as school attendance and medical treatment, and realize the seamless connection between judicial assistance and poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.

Focusing on party building and promoting business, to respond to the needs of the people and realize the upgrading of the procuratorial brand

Urge Party members to "show their identity, set an example" and rely on twelve thousand three hundred and nine The procuratorial service center implements the "one-stop" interview, implements the procuratorial affairs disclosure system, opens up the "green channel" for convenient services, and makes the procuratorial organ's procedures for handling cases as open as possible to the public. Establish a branch thirteen People's hearing staff base, for the petition cases involving law and litigation, actively invite representative members, people's supervisors, hearing staff, parties, etc. to participate in the public hearing, explain the law face to face, solve doubts and doubts, and solve the "law knot" and "heart knot" together.

Sponsor: Shandong Provincial People's Procuratorate Tel: 0531-83011111

Address: No. 5592, East Second Ring Road, Jinan, Shandong Province Zip code: 250014

Record Certificate No.: Lu ICP Bei 05024181 No.1