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Provincial Talent Show | Osmanthus fragrans: Blooming Artistic Vitality in the Age of 60
Time: 2024-06-12 Source: Taishan District Federation of Trade Unions of Tai'an City Share to:

Profile: Mao Guihua, a retired employee of Taiqian Office, Taishan District, Tai'an City, established Leyouyou Art Troupe, won the first prize in the talent contest of seven cities in Shandong Province in 2022 and 2023, and won the third prize in the "Golden Mountain Cup" of Tai'an City in 2016.

Recommended by: Taishan District Federation of Trade Unions of Tai'an City

In the bright stars of literature and art, there is such an art expert who has left a solid footprint on the road of art with full enthusiasm and unremitting efforts. She is Mao Guihua, a retired worker. With her talent and enthusiasm, she is blooming in the world of art.

When she was young, Mao Guihua was full of enthusiasm for literary and artistic activities. She was good at solo singing of national songs, with a clear and melodious voice. Every time she sang, she could arouse the resonance of the audience. In addition to singing, she also had excellent hosting ability, and could easily control the hosting work on various occasions. At the same time, Mao Guihua also has excellent screenwriting ability to adapt the sitcom "Villagers in the World", which not only brings visual feast to the audience, but also deepens the patriotic education of the audience. In her opinion, talent is not only a personal hobby, but also an important way to inherit and promote national culture.

After retirement, instead of choosing a comfortable leisure life, osmanthus mao devoted her time and energy to the cause of forming an art troupe. She knows that the power of art can cross the boundaries of age, region and culture, and bring people joy and strength. Therefore, with the strong support of Limin Community, Shanggao Street, Taishan District, Tai'an City, she took the lead in setting up a vibrant art troupe - Leyouyou Art Troupe, bringing together art lovers from different backgrounds. Under her leadership, Leyouyou Art Troupe has gradually developed into an influential literary force.

Mao Guihua led the Leyouyou Art Troupe to carry out public benefit performance activities for many times, passing the warmth of art to all corners of society. They went to the Deshan Nursing Home in Qiudian, Huangjiazhuang Nursing Home and so on to bring laughter and laughter to the elderly there, making their later life more colorful. They went deep into communities and villages to carry out "one play in one village" public benefit performances, so that villagers can enjoy wonderful artistic performances at their doorsteps. In addition, Mao Guihua also actively participated in various public benefit performances organized by relevant departments, such as public benefit performances for sending recruits, and literary and artistic dinners to inspire the morale of recruits.

On the road of public performance, Mao Guihua has always adhered to the concept of "educating people with arts and educating people with culture". She believes that art is not only a form of entertainment, but also a spiritual food, which can cultivate temperament and improve taste. Therefore, before each performance, she would personally guide the members to rehearse and try to present the best performance to the audience. Her preciseness and seriousness have improved the performance level of the art troupe and won wide praise from the audience.

Mao Guihua led the art troupe to participate in many competitions. In the competition, they won the third prize of the Senior Group of Tai'an Singer Competition and the first prize of the Taishan Senior Talent Competition with their superb skills and outstanding performance. The Leyouyou Art Troupe led by her won the "Excellent Organization Award" in the talent show competition of seven cities in Shandong Province, and her individual won the first prize in this competition. These honors are not only an affirmation of the hard work of the members of the art troupe, but also the best interpretation of Mao Guihua's selfless dedication. Led by Mao Guihua, Leyouyou Art Troupe has not only become a beautiful landscape of local cultural undertakings, but also an important force of social public welfare undertakings. She used her own practical actions to explain what is the love of art and social responsibility.

However, Osmanthus fragrans is not satisfied with its achievements. She knows that the road of art is endless, and only by continuous learning and progress can she go further in the palace of art. Therefore, she often organizes members of the art troupe to carry out various training and learning activities in the residents' activity room of Limin Community in Shanggao Street to improve their artistic literacy and performance level. At the same time, she also actively exchanges with other art groups to learn from their successful experience and inject new vitality into the development of the art group. Under the leadership of Mao Guihua, the art troupe has not only become an important carrier of art inheritance, but also an active promoter of social harmonious culture. Her dedication and dedication show the charm and power of art, and also let the audience feel the warmth and power of art.

Today, although Osmanthus mauritii is sixty years old, her heart of art is still as hot as ever. She said that she would continue to contribute to the cause of art and make greater contributions to the inheritance and promotion of national culture. (Wang Xinyu)

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