Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G can't use SA network, China Telecom: can only buy new mobile phones

Source: DoNews Editor: Mall Zhongwang Published on: March 3, 2021 zero

Recently, according to surging news reports, mobile phone users in Ziyang, Sichuan reported that their Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G mobile phones could not use the 5G network.

He said that since the beginning of this year, Mr. Wang has found that his new mobile phone is abnormal. The mobile phone has enabled the 5G network, but often cannot receive the 5G signal. The 5G mobile phone can only use the 4G signal to access the Internet. "At first, I thought that the nearby base station was in maintenance, and I didn't take this situation to heart.".


In response to Mr. Wang's situation, the staff of Ziyang Business Office of China Telecom explained that from December 25, 2020, Sichuan Province began to switch from NSA network to SA network. The staff member said that the user could not use the 5G network due to the upgrade of the base station, Only the latest SA network 5G mobile phones can be purchased The user is suggested to go to the nearest business hall to learn about the purchase activities and handle them. "Isn't this cheating consumers?" Mr. Wang said.

"I contacted China Telecom and they replied that Sichuan Telecom asked them to upgrade all the 5G base stations in the original NSA mode to the 5G base stations in the SA mode, but the 5G mobile phone I purchased is a single-mode NSA 5G mode and cannot be compatible with the upgraded SA 5G mode." Regarding the abnormal use of Mr. Wang's 5G network, Customer service suggested that Mr. Wang go to the Xiaomi official to change the plane.

At the initial stage of the launch of the Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G mobile phone, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, made an appearance and said that both NSA and SA are real 5G and can be used for a long time.

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