How about the limited edition of Meilan E2 Transformers? Meilan E2 Transformers Limited Edition Collection Endurance Experience

Source: Internet Editor: Mall Zhongwang Published on: June 29, 2017 zero

Nowadays, the mobile phones we contact every day are more and more similar in appearance, so many manufacturers combine sports elements or film elements with their own products, so that their appearance has a certain difference, and xx special edition is launched. Borrowing the influence of stars or movies, we will make a big push. I believe that users who pay attention to domestic mobile phones will find something.


"Customization" has become an important reason for many fans to buy a certain product. We know that Meilan E2 is a 1000 yuan machine with high cost performance that Meizu has released in April. Recently, because of the hot release of Transformers 5: The Last Knight, Meizu has taken the opportunity to launch the limited edition of Meilan E2 Transformers, which has again won the attention of "Kong fans". How about the limited edition of Meilan E2 Transformers? Is the limited edition of Meilan E2 Transformers good?


Full of "Transformers", it is really very special. How about the limited edition of Meilan E2 Transformers? Today, let's take a look at the endurance of the limited collection version of Meilan E2 Transformers? Now let's experience the endurance of the limited edition of Meilan E2 Transformers. For those who have a desire to buy the limited edition of Meilan E2 Transformers, please come to know.


After charging up the Meilan E2 Transformers classic, we will play the first four Transformers online. Under the condition of medium brightness, we will see how the endurance of Meilan E2 is. The final result shows that after playing the four Transformers, the phone still has 5% of the power left (the four Transformers last ten hours!


Meilan E2 also supports fast charging technology. The measured charging rate can fully charge the 3400mAh battery in about three and a half hours. In the previous stage, about 10% of the electricity is charged every 15 minutes, and the last 5% of the electricity is charged in trickle for about half an hour. Although the charging rate does not reach "charging for five minutes and talking for two hours", it is enough for daily use.


After the "Transformers Violence Test", Meilan E2 has withstood the test. Ten hours of non-stop online movie playing still does not consume power. The Transformers fight ceaselessly, and Meilan E2 has more power. In general, Meilan E2 can fully support you to leave home from work in the morning to go home in the evening. After more than ten hours of normal use, you may still have power left. This is not only due to the 3400mAh battery placed in the thin body, but also due to the great improvement in power consumption control of the P20 processor with the 16nm process.

After a whole day of testing, we have seen the powerful endurance of Meilan E2. What Li Nan said at the press conference "can see the name of the people in 20 episodes" is not an exaggeration. This endurance is already a good performance among mobile phones with the same conditions.


What do you think of the limited edition of Meilan E2 Transformers after you experience the endurance of the limited edition of Meilan E2 Transformers? Is the limited edition of Meilan E2 Transformers worth buying?

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