How about Xiaomi Max2 mobile phone? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Xiaomi Max2?

Source: Internet Editor: Mall Zhongwang Published on: May 26, 2017 zero

After the continuous efforts, research and excavation of manufacturers in various fields, the products on the market are more and more suitable for users. After the continuous enrichment of mobile phone functions and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, what people are looking for now is a larger and larger screen, a thinner and thinner body, and a longer and longer life. Yesterday afternoon, Xiaomi brought us Xiaomi Max2, which has already been dug up by netizens. Is the 6.44 inch screen large enough? Did you meet your requirements for large screen phones? Are there many friends who have already prepared their wallets?


Now, how about taking a look at Xiaomi Max2? Is Xiaomi Max2 worth buying? Can it be classified as a thousand yuan cost-effective mobile phone? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Xiaomi Max2 mobile phone?

As usual, let's "review" its main configuration information, as shown below:


The screen size of Xiaomi Max 2 keeps the 6.44 inch of the previous generation, but the processor performance declines. Next, we will present the advantages and disadvantages of the Xiaomi Max2 mobile phone for you. Those who are considering purchasing the Xiaomi Max2 mobile phone can learn about it.


Changes beyond hardware configuration

1. Obvious improvement in appearance

In appearance, the black edge of the Xiaomi Max 2 screen is greatly reduced, and the screen proportion is higher; A hidden antenna is used on the back, and the frame transition is round, which makes the hand feel better.


2. Added one handed operation optimization

One of the major disadvantages of large screen mobile phones is single hand operation. Xiaomi Max 2 has made many optimization measures on single hand operation. This mobile phone continues the one handed mode and levitation ball function of MIUI. This time, it also adds the lock screen theme of Xiaomi Max 2 customized version, which can quickly open common applications on the lock screen interface of the mobile phone.

3. The addition of split screen function is a highlight

Split screen function has been realized on PC for a long time, but its popularity on mobile phones has just begun. The continuous enlargement of mobile phone screen increases the possibility of split screen function.


The split screen function allows two APPs to be used at the same time, such as sending WeChat while watching videos; At the same time, it can fully tap the office functions of mobile phones.

4. Power bank function of the same model as Nut Pro

Xiaomi Max 2 is equipped with a super large battery with a capacity of 5300mAh, which has surpassed the iPad Mini. The Xiaomi Max 2 has added the fast charging function, and can be transformed into a charging bank to charge other mobile phones, and can recharge the iPhone 7 twice. This is also a feature of Xiaomi Max2 that attracts users. How about it? Is the battery large enough?


Shortcomings beyond surprises

1. Post fingerprint identification

Xiaomi Max 2 continues the fingerprint design of a generation of products, with the sensor on the back. This is not a big problem in the general screen size, but on the Xiaomi Max's large screen, this design has been proved to be very inconvenient in operation, and the finger posture needs to be adjusted when unlocking with one hand.

2. Backward compared with the previous generation product configuration

Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 performs well in heat and power consumption, but it is hard to be strong in performance. It is not only inferior to the flagship processor 835, but also inferior to the previous generation 650/652. The retrogression of performance becomes the biggest regret of Xiaomi Max 2.

Is Xiaomi Max 2 worth buying?

As an upgraded version of the first generation product, the Xiaomi Max 2 has significantly improved its hardware performance, photography, appearance, and endurance. It is a mobile phone with a large screen and super long endurance.

A big advantage of the huge mobile phone screen is that it can display more content and get a better experience when watching videos; Better operation and wider vision when playing games; You can also display more text and pictures on the screen when reading e-books.

In addition, the increase in the size of the phone can accommodate a larger battery and obtain a better endurance experience. Performance is the biggest drawback of this phone.

In addition to performance, the Xiaomi Max 2 has almost filled all the shortcomings of the previous generation of products, with a higher appearance, a better camera (the same model as the Xiaomi 6), and a larger battery. If you like large screen and long endurance, and do not have high requirements for mobile phone performance, then Xiaomi Max 2 is definitely your dish.


I have answered the questions about the advantages and disadvantages of Xiaomi Max2. What do you think of Xiaomi Max2? Is it a thousand yuan mobile phone worth buying in your heart? Whether the Xiaomi Max2 is worth buying depends on what factors you value. At present, Xiaomi Max2 has opened an appointment in Xiaomi Mall. If you think Xiaomi Max2 is worth getting, you can move to the official Xiaomi Mall to make an appointment immediately.

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