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  • Customer service telephone: 0755-33615555 33606666
  • Company address: 4023 Wuhe Avenue, Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
  • Main business scope: Medical display, radiological diagnosis display, endoscope monitor, integrated application display, large consultation screen, ultrasonic display, integrated display of operating room, overall solution of department, intelligent film reading room
  • Brand introduction: Shenzhen Kangguan Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Shenzhen Kangguan Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Kangguan), is one of the earliest domestic manufacturers specializing in R&D and manufacturing of display terminal products. In the spirit of pioneering and innovation and keeping pace with the times, Kanguan has gradually entered into medical displays, displays, LCD TVs, tablet computers and commercial displays through independent research and development, becoming a national high-tech [All]

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