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  • Website address:
  • Customer service telephone: 400-100-5678
  • Company address: China Resources Wucaicheng Office Building, 68 Qinghe Middle Street, Haidian District, Beijing
  • Main business scope: Xiaomi mobile phone, MIUI, Michat, Xiaomi Internet, Xiaomi box, Xiaomi TV and Xiaomi router
  • Brand introduction: Xiaomi Company was officially established in April 2010. It is an innovative technology enterprise focusing on independent research and development of high-end smart phones and Internet TV. It is mainly formed by the top talents of the former Google, Microsoft, Motorola, Jinshan and other well-known companies. Xiaomi Mobile, MIUI, Michat, Xiaomi Net, Xiaomi Box, Xiaomi TV and Xiaomi Router are the seven core businesses of Xiaomi Company. "Born for fever" is [All]

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  • tourist 2022-03-30

    five hundred and fifty-five


  • Fever 2016-08-25

    Your price is too low. I bought more than 2000 Xiaomi notes on Tmall the other day, but it fell to 1499 on the official website. I really want to vomit blood.


  • 131*****257 2016-08-24

    The pride of the Chinese people of Xiaomi mobile phone, whether it can produce the metal shell of Apple 5s, 4-inch dual card dual standby full Netcom, high-performance and high configuration small screen mobile phone, suitable for making calls, suitable for more people's mobile phones, not everyone likes large screen mobile phones


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