Work in the call center and customer service responsibilities

Work in the call center and customer service responsibilities

Server lease Industry trends 2,483

The call center is a basic part of the customer service team, which is usually the main way of communication between enterprises and their customers. To work in the call center, you need to be motivated by customer success. Call center agents are tenacious problem solvers, committed to improving customers' experience of the brand. The work of the call center agent

 How does cloud mining work? How much money can you make?

How does cloud mining work? How much money can you make?

Server lease Industry trends 2,571

No matter how many bitcoins you own or just started in the field, you may have heard of crypto mining. This is an arduous process aimed at removing "finance" from the investment equation. Unfortunately, people end up spending more time and money than they try to earn. A simple reason

 Nanhua Zhongtian sincerely invites you to participate in the survey of Internet users' satisfaction with network security in 2022

Nanhua Zhongtian sincerely invites you to participate in the survey of Internet users' satisfaction with network security in 2022

Server lease Company News 2,693

In order to respond to the arrangement of the superior and implement the directive spirit of "being good at asking people's needs and concerns through the Internet and other channels, listening to the voice of the people, respecting the public opinion, and conforming to the people's will". The survey of Internet users' satisfaction with network security will begin in 2022, and will formally collect opinions from the vast number of Internet users. Web

 How much data center hosting space you need depends on your business and specific data management needs

How much data center hosting space you need depends on your business and specific data management needs

Server lease Industry trends 2,368

Although there are many different choices when providing data management solutions for your enterprise, hosting is one of the most popular choices for small and medium-sized companies and many large companies. Although this model does have some disadvantages, its advantages are overwhelming. Managed services provide scalability, efficiency, ease of management, and popularity

 Why choose the Hong Kong Data Center as the gateway to mainland China?

Why choose the Hong Kong Data Center as the gateway to mainland China?

Server lease Server problems , Industry trends 1,325

China is a fast growing market, providing endless business opportunities. Many foreign enterprises began to turn their eyes to the Chinese market. They tried to establish online business in China, but soon found it difficult to obtain the ICP license, which was supervised by the Chinese government and only applicable to enterprises registered in China. Although

 Nanhua Zhongtian Technology has hired Yu Gang, the lawyer team of Guangdong Zhuojian Law Firm, as its permanent legal adviser

Nanhua Zhongtian Technology has hired Yu Gang, the lawyer team of Guangdong Zhuojian Law Firm, as its permanent legal adviser

Server lease Company News 2,841

In 2022, Nanhua Zhongtian Technology and Guangdong Zhuojian Law Firm reached a cooperation. Yu Gang's lawyer team will be the legal adviser of the Nanhua Zhongtian IDC project, and will be responsible for providing legal services for the businesses involved in the Nanhua Zhongtian IDC project. Legal advisers can provide enterprises with year-round legal advice, draft and review contracts

 How is a security token different from cryptocurrency?

How is a security token different from cryptocurrency?

Server lease Industry trends 2,465

Since blockchain technology originated in the field of data science, many terms used in cryptocurrency and token are similar to those used in these fields. The term "token" is one of them. In data science, a token is a value -- like a randomly generated number -- assigned to sensitive data to hide the original message

 Comprehensive rectification! Let "mining" go nowhere -- Guangdong Provincial Energy Administration and Guangdong Communications Administration jointly carry out the comprehensive rectification of "mining" activities of virtual currency

Comprehensive rectification! Let "mining" go nowhere -- Guangdong Provincial Energy Administration and Guangdong Communications Administration jointly carry out the comprehensive rectification of "mining" activities of virtual currency

Operation and maintenance technology Industry trends 2,222

June 13-19 is the National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, with the theme of "green and low-carbon, energy-saving first". In order to promote the rectification of "mining" activities of virtual currency, the Guangdong Provincial Energy Administration and Guangdong Provincial Communications Administration jointly printed the comprehensive rectification of "mining" activities of virtual currency at the time of Guangdong Provincial Energy Conservation Week in 2022

 What problems do you encounter in daily data center management? What are its components?

What problems do you encounter in daily data center management? What are its components?

Server lease Industry trends 2,481

Data center management refers to the role of the individual (data center manager) responsible for monitoring technical and IT issues in the data center. This includes managing computer and server operations, large amounts of data, services, and applications, as well as data protection and security. Although some of these tasks must be directly managed, many tasks

 How does the data center work? What is a virtual data center?

How does the data center work? What is a virtual data center?

Server lease Industry trends 2,418

The data center is specially equipped with data storage, network and server equipment storage. Independent buildings that meet high security requirements can be used as data centers. What is the purpose of the data center? Site owners cannot allocate funds to purchase additional equipment, rent buildings to locate equipment, or purchase buildings. This question is related to

 Why is cloud waste a problem? Identify your organization's strategic reasons for using the cloud

Why is cloud waste a problem? Identify your organization's strategic reasons for using the cloud

Server lease Industry trends 2,315

In the past 18 months, the pace of digital acceleration has accelerated. A recent KPMG survey of business leaders found that 67% of enterprises have accelerated their digital transformation strategy and 63% have made more investment in digital transformation plans since the beginning of the epidemic. Due to the support of digital transformation

 Blockchain and the Internet of Things are changing the digital space

Blockchain and the Internet of Things are changing the digital space

Server lease Industry trends 2,360

The integration of blockchain and the Internet of Things has successfully solved many problems in the intelligent interconnection system. Although organizations in different fields are embracing blockchain, they will also realize the real potential of this technology in the next few years, and it will no longer "just" become a niche technology. The Internet of Things or the Internet of Things connects people, devices