Bank account of Shenzhen Company

Company name: Shenzhen Nanhua Zhongtian Technology Co., Ltd

Bank of deposit: Shenzhen Nanyou Branch of China Construction Bank

Bank account: 44201519000052503007

WeChat/Alipay QR code scanning payment

Notes on remittance:

1. Due to the particularity of e-commerce transactions, it is recommended to use "special amount" for remittance. For example, the original remittance should be 1000.00 yuan, but now it should be 1000.10 yuan (a few cents, etc.). Tell us the actual amount of your remittance and our receiving bank, so that we can prevent the trouble of not being able to tell whose payment is due to the simultaneous remittance of many people! Special amount remittance does not need to be confirmed by "fax and screenshot".

2. All products and services quoted on our website are tax free. Customers who need to issue invoices should pay an additional 7% service tax - technical service fee, plus the corresponding invoice postage (10 yuan for registered mail or 25 yuan for EMS express) to our company's account. After the payment has been confirmed and the service you need has been opened, please send your complete company name, taxpayer identification number, company address, company telephone number, account bank and account number, zip code, recipient and other information to E-mail: , or QQ: 80276366, or call 0755-83692750 to 8008, and we will mail the invoice to you within three days.

3. By paying through the above account, all users agree to the company's service terms, sign the product purchase and sales service contract and the network information security responsibility statement, and bear all use risks. Please consult relevant customer service personnel for details.