Commentator article

Build a solid foundation of the rule of law for the national supervision system (People's Review)

Date of issue: 2018-03-16 Source: People's Daily
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"The formulation of the supervision law will realize the organic unity of intra party supervision and state supervision" "Only by implementing supervision in accordance with the law can we fundamentally curb corruption in the system and truly put power into the institutional cage"... At the meeting of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, representatives of the members of the NPC and the CPPCC were enthusiastic about the draft supervision law and the reform of the state supervision system. How to better link legislation with reform, and carry out anti-corruption work in the way of rule of law thinking and rule of law, affecting both inside and outside the venue.

From the published draft of the supervision law, a centralized, unified, authoritative and efficient national supervision system is imminent. The new media work "When the Supervision Law Met the Monkey King", which was popular in the circle of friends recently, analyzed the "big trick" in the draft law in an easy to understand way: the objects of supervision include the management personnel in grass-roots mass autonomous organizations; The supervisory organ investigates the suspected corruption, bribery, abuse of power, dereliction of duty, power rent-seeking, benefit transmission and other post violations and post crimes; In the case of major duty crimes, if the investigated person escapes to foreign countries (borders), and the supervisory authority has mastered relatively solid evidence, it can carry out overseas pursuit cooperation... The interpretation of form innovation sends a clear signal to the whole society: this draft law is closely related to every public official.

The distinctive feature of the draft supervision law is that it not only responds to practical problems, but also highlights the spirit of the rule of law. "Law is the end of governance". As a major measure to implement the decision and deployment of deepening the reform of the national supervision system, the formulation of the supervision law is to solve the practical problems in national governance at the legal level. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has adhered to the principle of "no restricted area, full coverage and zero tolerance" in fighting corruption. With the momentum of thundering, it has unswervingly "fought tigers", "beat flies" and "hunted foxes". The goal of not daring to corrupt has been achieved. The cage that cannot corrupt is getting stronger and stronger, and the dam that does not want to corrupt is being built. How to fix the successful experience of the fight against corruption in legal form, and at the same time check and fill the gaps of the existing problems, is the meaning of deepening the reform of the national supervision system, and is also the original intention of the supervision legislation.

"The life of law is not logic, but experience." The formation of this draft law has absorbed a lot of good practices and good experience from practice. In December 2016, the national supervision system reform took the lead in carrying out pilot projects in Beijing, Shanxi and Zhejiang; In November 2017, the reform pilot work was carried out in an orderly manner throughout the country; In February of this year, with the establishment of Guangxi Daxin County Supervisory Committee, all the provincial, municipal and county level supervisory committees have been established... With the pace of practice, the legislative work has also been promoted and carried out steadily. The first scene of the reform pilot provided first-hand information for the legislative work. The experience and wisdom formed from this, together with expert suggestions and public opinions, not only provided intellectual support for the improvement of the draft supervision law, but also demonstrated the practical rationality of the legal text, laying a solid foundation for the rule of law to continue to deepen the reform of the national supervision system.

The formulation process of the supervision law is also a model of top-level design driving the improvement of the system. At the Second Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should not only base ourselves on the current situation, face problems directly, but also work hard to solve the problems that the people are most dissatisfied with; We should also focus on the future and look forward to the future, and focus on strengthening overall planning and top-level design. Recall that when the reform pilot was just launched, some experts and scholars raised questions about the relationship between the reform of the supervision system and the Constitution, which was answered at the two sessions this year. On March 11, the first session of the 13th National People's Congress adopted a constitutional amendment, adding provisions on the "supervisory committee", which provided constitutional support for reform and law amendment. Article 1 of the General Provisions of the Draft Supervision Law also specifically states that "in accordance with the Constitution". It can be said that this is a draft law that fully embodies scientific legislation, democratic legislation, and legislation according to law, while also "looking forward to the future and looking far".

It is reasonable to believe that with the deepening of legislation and reform, the authoritative and efficient self supervision system and mechanism will continue to improve, and the efficiency of punishing corruption will continue to improve. A centralized, unified, authoritative and efficient national supervision system will release strong governance effectiveness and inject inexhaustible impetus into the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.