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Positive energy to inject ideas into the world (bell sound)

Date of issue: 2018-03-14 Source: People's Daily
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It is of great significance for Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to be incorporated into the Constitution. The theoretical innovation of the Communist Party of China has injected positive ideological energy into China and the whole world

In the middle of October last year, the documentary "China: Xi Jinping Era" jointly produced by American and British companies premiered on Discovery Channel. Through the historic changes that have taken place in China in recent years, the main creators have felt the spiritual force that has pushed China forward - "Behind all these changes, there is an initial source of strength, which is Xi Jinping's governing philosophy and policy guidelines."

Follow the pointer of thought, and you can better understand the power of action. At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China last October, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era was written into the Party Constitution and established as the guiding ideology and guide for action of the whole Party. On March 11 this year, the first session of the 13th National People's Congress voted to pass the amendment to the Constitution. Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era was incorporated into the Constitution, realizing the high degree of unity between the Party's propositions and the people's will. At two historic moments, let the world witness the thought of leading the "China Ship" to break the waves.

Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that "Marx has the language of his time, and we have the language of our time." Behind this sentence is a Marxist's pursuit of the quality of advancing with the times. As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, China is standing in a new historical position. Not only the Party's theory advances with the times, but also the Constitution, as the fundamental law of the country and the general constitution of governing the country and ensuring security, also advances with the times.

As the western saying goes, "There is nothing more practical than good theory." Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the world has read more and more Chinese success stories from the ideological level. After 40 years of rapid development, China is still able to create development miracles. Why? What's the secret? Such problems have evolved into a common research topic in the world.

Many people have found that the key to understanding China's success lies in understanding the consistency of China's Party spirit and people's hearts. Last year, according to the data of an Essop poll in France, 92% of Chinese people believed that "their own development direction is correct". Such data is the embodiment of China's social cohesion. In China, how can the Communist Party of China, with nearly 90 million members, unite more than 1.3 billion Chinese people to work for entrepreneurship? As a concentrated embodiment of the will of the Party and the people, the Constitution plays a huge role in it. The incorporation of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era into the Constitution will pool the great power to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and enable the world's second largest economy to continue to achieve new leapfrog development.

Globally, this is an era in which correct thinking is urgently needed. Under the situation of great changes not seen in a century, whether it is open or closed, win-win cooperation or zero sum game, mediocrity, letting populism spread, or improving governance to make people feel more gain, whether it is the internal governance or global governance of Western countries, has come to a critical crossroads. In the face of the recent trade disputes between the United States and other countries, Forbes magazine commented on March 11 that "in the 21st century, our thinking is still in the 20th century." It is precisely because of the lack of unified thinking and the ability to combine the will of the governors with the will of the people that it is difficult for western countries to rally the power of the whole people to let the country out of populism The trap of protectionism and isolationism.

Focusing on China, this is a place where ideas are born and used to guide practice. The great achievements of 40 years of reform and opening up began with the emancipation of the mind. Over the past 40 years, every step of China's development has been inseparable from the guidance of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The promulgation and implementation of the 1982 Constitution elevated the great achievements and valuable experience created by the Party and the people to the provisions of the national Constitution, and established the guiding ideology of the Party as the guiding ideology of the country through the amendment of the Constitution. This is an important successful experience of the Communist Party of China in governing the country. "The Communist Party of China strives to share ideas and views with the whole party and the whole people in governing the country." Martin Jacques, a senior researcher at the School of Politics and International Relations of Cambridge University, UK, understands the secret of governance in China.

It is of great significance for Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to be incorporated into the Constitution. The theoretical innovation of the Communist Party of China has injected positive ideological energy into China and even the whole world.