2015 National Commercial Password Exhibition was held in Beijing

Date of issue: 2015-12-10 Source: Xinhuanet
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Xinhua Beijing, December 10, by wire On the morning of October 10, the "2015 National Commercial Cryptography Exhibition" hosted by the China Cryptography Society opened in Beijing Exhibition Hall. This exhibition will comprehensively display the fruitful achievements of commercial password innovation and development in recent years, and build a platform for mutual communication between enterprises and users, enterprises and enterprises, enterprises and government.

The exhibition has four exhibition areas, including management, industry application, industry and future prospects, with a total exhibition area of 17500 square meters. 211 commercial password applications and practitioners from across the country participated in the exhibition. The products on display cover such categories as cipher chips, cipher modules, cipher boards, cipher machines and cipher systems. The exhibition also set up a special industrial application exhibition area to display the application achievements of commercial passwords in important industries and fields such as finance, taxation, customs, energy, social security, education, communication and transportation, fully demonstrating the important role of commercial passwords in protecting national network and information security and promoting economic and social development.

It is reported that this exhibition is the fourth national commercial password exhibition since the State Council issued and implemented the Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Passwords in October 1999. It is the largest and the largest number of exhibitors over the years. At the same time, the exhibition will also hold the "Business Password Innovation and Development Forum", which includes four major theme sections, namely, Business Password Summit Forum, Password Application in the Financial Field, Internet+Business Password, and Business Password Innovation and Outlook. Experts, leaders and industry elites in the field of password and information security will be invited to make special speeches and salons, Carry out in-depth discussions and interactive exchanges around "applying commercial passwords to ensure information security" and "promoting independent innovation and driving healthy development".

The exhibition will last until the 12th.

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