Salesforce and Alibaba Cloud logo
 Salesforce and Alibaba Cloud logo

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud has been officially released!

Start to build Customer 360 designed for China. Make full use of Alibaba Cloud's scalability, high performance and security to ensure that the changing market needs are met, the latest data residence regulations are met, and the integration with the local unique application ecosystem is realized.

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud can help companies operating in China.

Products hosted in China can help meet regional compliance and data residence needs. All Salesforce products in Greater China are exclusively sold and operated by Alibaba Cloud.

Salesforce's products in China are integrated with local social and messaging platforms, payment service providers, SMS systems, map providers, etc., so that you can provide services to customers on the most commonly used channels.

Salesforce's products in China are hosted on Alibaba Cloud, the world's leading public cloud, which can provide scalability and performance to meet market demand.

 Alibaba Cloud logo
 Alibaba Cloud logo

Start to build Customer 360 designed for China.

Salesforce's leading CRM platform, covering sales cloud, service cloud and platform cloud, as well as China's exclusive function Internet gateway, has been officially released. They are all hosted on Alibaba Cloud in China.

Using Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud will lead to the requirement of establishing a multi organizational structure. Determine your organization splitting method and data migration strategy. Use Salesforce's API tools and reliable SI partners to lead your migration journey.

All Salesforce products in Greater China are exclusively sold and operated by Alibaba Cloud. Understand the benefits of this partnership structure and the process of establishing a business relationship with Alibaba Cloud.  

Meet the needs of the local market with the help of the Internet gateway.

The Internet gateway is a set of products and integration functions specially provided for China, which can deeply associate Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud with local applications, channels and services. Brands can unlock data in China through Customer 360, and improve agility through pre built automatic integration.

Social e-commerce is a headless business product designed to support stores in major local channels. Brands can be found in WeChat applet and Manage e-commerce business on the CN website and easily integrate with key systems such as OMS and PIM.  

The sales cloud and service cloud are natively integrated with major Chinese news and social media platforms such as enterprise WeChat and WeChat. Associate China's mainstream enterprise collaboration tools with CRM. Synchronize chat and interaction records to ensure continuity of customer experience. Utilize the most powerful service tool chain in the industry to operate first-class real-time customer service and optimize the performance of customer service personnel.

Advanced integration with Alibaba Cloud's main products connects Salesforce with China's application ecosystem on a large scale, and unifies all consumer experience data in China's Salesforce Customer 360.

 One marketing, Dataphin and AMAP logo
 One marketing, Dataphin and AMAP logo
 Social e-commerce and local news and global core products

Learn about the products supported by this partnership.

Salesforce's leading CRM platform, covering sales cloud, service cloud and platform cloud, as well as China's exclusive function Internet gateway, has been officially released. They are all hosted on Alibaba Cloud in China.