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Tea knowledge

  • Prefer to drink one or two Dianhong instead of ten jin golden steed eyebrows

    The reason why people prefer to drink one or two Dianhong to ten jin Jinjunmei is mainly affected by the quality. Dianhong is a black tea made from Yunnan big leaf tea, and Jinjunmei is a black tea made from small and medium leaf tea. Because it is easy to fake, Jinjunmei is more popular than Dianhong in counterfeiting. So people want to avoid drinking fake Jinjunmei, Most people choose Dianhong.

    four hundred and sixty-three 2022-07-14
  • How long to brew cold tea? The correct way to brew cold tea

    Cold brewing tea is a new fashion way to drink tea. The method of cold brewing tea is relatively simple. First, prepare cold boiled water, tea leaves, glasses, etc., then clean the glasses, put the tea into the cups, rinse them with cold boiled water, cover them, place them for 2~6 hours (can be placed in the refrigerator for refrigeration), and finally open the lid to drink.

    one thousand and seventy-one 2022-07-14
  • Tips for Awakening Pu'er Tea

    After waking up, first use a tea knife to cut Pu'er tea into two pieces, then divide it into small pieces, and then place it in a clean, odorless and cool place, covered with a layer of cotton paper. After 1-3 months, it can be brewed and drunk. When you wake up wet, first use boiling water to scald and disinfect the tea set, then put an appropriate amount of Pu'er tea into the tea set, infuse boiling water to brew, pour out the tea soup after 5 seconds, and repeat 1 to 2 times to let Pu'er tea naturally stretch.

    three hundred and twelve 2022-07-14
  • What are the varieties of green tea

    Green tea is also called oolong tea. The varieties of green tea include Wuyi narcissus, Wuyi cinnamon, frozen top oolong, Fenghuang Dancong, Huangjin Gui, Anxi Tieguanyin, Dahongpao, Fenghuang Narcissus, Benshan, Yongchun Bergamot, Zhangping Narcissus, Beidou, Oriental Beauty, Wenshan Baozhong, Qingxin Oolong, Jinxuan Tea, Lingtou Dancong, Shuijingui, Tieluohan, Baijiguan, etc.

    seven hundred and fifty-two 2022-07-14
  • Difference between withering and dying

    The quality of tea depends not only on the raw materials and quality of tea, but also on the processing technology of tea. In the process of tea processing, in order to better preserve tea in the later stage, it is not easy to get moldy and can be sold at home and abroad. Tea must be green or withered. What is the difference between green and withered? Novice tea lovers, if they don't understand, welcome to read more.

    one thousand three hundred and seventy 2022-07-14
  • Can women drink Pu'er tea during menstruation [taboo for drinking Pu'er tea]

    Pu'er tea has many functions and high nutritional value. Regular drinking can adjust the physical condition. However, women are not recommended to drink Pu'er tea during the physiological cycle. When menstruation comes every month, it will consume a lot of iron in the body. At this time, female friends should eat more vegetables and fruits to supplement iron.

    two hundred and forty-four 2022-05-24
  • Difference between withering and green removing 【 Tea technology 】

    In the process of tea processing, we often hear professional terms such as "green tea" and "withering". For example, in the six major tea systems, green tea, black tea and yellow tea have gone through the process of "green tea", while black tea, oolong tea and white tea have gone through the process of "withering".

    It can be said that "green removal" and "withering" are very important in the process of tea processing, so what are "green removal" and "withering" on earth? What's the difference between the two? Let's have a look.

    one thousand nine hundred and twenty 2022-05-23
  • Taste characteristics of Bawai ancient tree tea

    1. Bawai ancient tree tea has the prominent characteristics of high aroma and thick soup. Its soup is thick, full, and slightly bitter, but it returns to sweet and produces saliva quickly. 2. Bayiao ancient tree tea is rich in amino acids and extremely fresh. 3. Bawai Ancient Tree Tea has a distinctive rock sugar flavor. The tea soup has a smooth entrance, rock sugar fragrance, fresh tea fragrance and lasting fragrance.

    nine hundred and sixteen 2022-05-23
  • What is the grade of golden bud in tea [is tea good]

    Golden bud belongs to high-grade tea in tea. Its main origin is Zhejiang, which is one of the camellia. Because of the scarcity of varieties of golden bud, the difficulty of cultivation, and the high management cost, it is also known as the giant panda in tea. The tea soup brewed is golden in color and thick in aroma, which has been sought and loved by many tea lovers.

    two thousand and thirty-one 2022-05-20
  • Taste and taste of cooked Pu'er tea

    The taste characteristics of Pu'er ripe tea are thick, smooth, waxy, aged and mellow. Thick, the tea soup has a heavy sense of reality; Smooth, tea soup smooth; Glutinous, tea soup viscosity is excellent; Chen, with fresh fragrance; It is mellow and tastes mellow, without odor.

    one thousand and sixty-two 2022-05-20
  • Characteristics and efficacy of Enshi Jade Dew

    The core characteristics of Enshi Yulu are tea green, soup green and green at the bottom of the leaves. Its dry tea buds are delicate and even, and the tea strips are tight and thin. The color is bright green, even and straight, like pine needles. The soup color is clear and bright, the aroma is fresh, and the taste is sweet; Enshi Yulu is rich in tea polyphenols and amino acids, which can refresh the mind, relieve fatigue, alleviate dryness, promote metabolism and resist oxidation.

    one thousand one hundred and five 2022-05-20
  • What color is the water from white tea

    The color of white tea soup is generally light green, apricot yellow and brown. The tea soup will change with the tea storage time. The longer the storage time is, the darker the color will be. If white tea is brewed, the color of the tea soup will be lighter, while the color of the tea soup will be thicker if it is stewed.

    one thousand six hundred and twenty-four 2022-05-18
  • Where is the origin of Minhe Pond Ancient Tree Tea

    Place of origin: The place of origin of Peppermint Pond Pu'er Tea is located in the deep mountain of Yiwu Mansa Tea District at an altitude of 1800 meters, with a natural ecological environment; The tea soup is rich and golden, mellow and smooth, with delicate waterways, fresh taste, sweet and smooth, thick soup, and full of wildness; Tea fragrance: after being brewed, Mint Pond Pu'er tea will smell obvious grass and fruit fragrance, which is mixed with a little sweet smell.

    one thousand three hundred and fifteen 2022-05-18
  • Wholesale quotation of Chinese tea How much is the wholesale price of Chinese tea yellow printing in 2020

    China Tea Brand Qizi Cake Tea - Zhenpin Yellow Seal Pu'er Tea (Cooked Tea) is a high-end Pu'er Cooked Cake developed by Yunnan China Tea Industry Co., Ltd. in 2013. After its launch, after seven years of market inspection, the product has been recognized and praised by the majority of tea friends, and has become a new classic tea of Cloud Tea Company. In order to meet the needs of consumers, the company continued to produce this product in 2020, retaining the unique aroma and wonderful taste of this tea, so that you can once again enjoy the classic works of cooked tea.

    two hundred and forty-two 2022-05-17
  • What are the five types of rock tea

    Wuyi rock tea is produced in Wuyi, a famous mountain in the "Xiujia Southeast" of northern Fujian, and tea trees grow in rock crevices. Wuyi rock tea has the fragrance of green tea and the glycol of black tea. It is the best oolong tea in China. Wuyi rock tea products are divided into five varieties: Dahongpao, Mingcong, Cinnamon, Narcissus, and Qizhong (vegetable tea).

    one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight 2022-05-17

Recommended reading

Tea type

Tea brewing

Tea Health

Origin of tea