
How to support dealers?

The marketing methods of system door and window manufacturers in various regions are almost the same. Especially in such a highly competitive market, their support to dealers is very similar. Some of them are applicable, while others are basically just frills. For example, free samples are required. Franchisees are required to reach the sales volume set by system door and window manufacturers within a certain time, These sales are difficult for ordinary people to complete, so when looking for a brand, be sure to be grounded and pay attention to the following support.


1、 Give certain training support

The professional knowledge of doors and windows of the system door and window manufacturers can provide all-round guidance and training, including unified service standards, familiar with marketing concepts, refined to product display, shopping guide methods, and customer psychological progress. After the training of the image store before opening, the manufacturer can regularly follow up the targeted training at different levels, and the regional director will visit the training regularly, Regular training institutions gather into the company's large lecture training and other ways to improve the competitiveness of the doors and windows franchise store center.


2、 Goods preparation

The system door and window manufacturers can choose the experienced personnel of the Market Development Department and the procurement personnel, who will reasonably prepare the marketable product portfolio according to the comprehensive factors such as the area of the new store, the location of the business circle, and the local consumption ability, and provide detailed ordering initiatives and guidance. In the future, they will also provide new product information to dealers in a timely manner. Really think for the dealer.


3、 Shop display

The manufacturer of system doors and windows can assign specialists to stop the display of professional stores before opening, not only to enhance the beauty of store image, but also to make the brand image prominent and abundant.


4、 Regular visit

The professional management personnel of the system manufacturer will give guidance and suggestions to dealers who can stop regular visits to their marketing operations, source tracking, market optimization, staff management and other problems, and assist dealers to stop store management.


As for the franchise agent of system doors and windows, selecting the right brand is half the battle. The purpose of both the manufacturer and the dealer is to make profits. For dealers, especially those who are new to the industry, it is very necessary for the system door and window manufacturers to implement their promised cultivation policies in place. As long as the dealers can make profits, they will not change their brands carelessly, and can achieve the goal of win-win.

 Doors and Windows. jpg

Such as facing doors and windows


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