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The purchase volume of autumn grain in 2023 hit a new high in recent years. All preparations for the purchase of summer grain this year are basically ready

10:10, May 16, 2024 | Source: Economic Daily Share to:  

It was learned from the news conference held by the State Food and Materials Reserve Bureau on the 15th that the autumn grain purchase in the peak season of 2023 had ended. As of April 30, various grain enterprises in the main production areas had purchased more than 200 million tons of autumn grain, with the total purchase volume hitting a new high in recent years. Among them, the purchase volume of corn reached 135 million tons, an increase of 5.2 million tons year on year. The summer grain purchase is about to start this year. According to the summary of data from various dispatching regions, it is estimated that the purchase volume of summer grain in the peak season is about 70 million tons, a slight increase over last year, including about 63 million tons of wheat.

Qin Yuyun, deputy director of the State Food and Materials Reserve Bureau, said that autumn grain purchase accounted for three quarters of the annual grain purchase, which was the top priority of the annual grain purchase. After autumn grain came into the market, the price of rice was higher and stable, and the market was better than that of last year. The characteristics of high quality and good price were obvious. The average purchase price of mid late indica rice and japonica rice was always higher than that of the same period of last year. After the Spring Festival, with the implementation of a series of policies and measures, the purchase prices of corn and soybeans stabilized and recovered.

Summer grain purchase is the first battle of the whole year's grain purchase, and it is a powerful measure to ensure the stable and safe supply of important agricultural products such as grain. Tang Cheng, Deputy Director of the Grain Reserve Department of the State Food and Materials Reserve Bureau, said that the situation of grain production in summer this year was good. If there were no major natural disasters in the later period, there would be another bumper harvest. At present, various preparations for the purchase of summer grain have been basically completed to ensure that "there are people collecting grain, money collecting grain, warehouses collecting grain and vehicles collecting grain". According to the dispatch, six major wheat producing provinces in Hebei, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Henan and Hubei have a total storage capacity of nearly 80 million tons of wheat; The purchase fund of summer grain was initially arranged to be 110 billion yuan. There are sufficient purchase warehouses, purchase funds are in place, logistics and transportation are smooth, and the market is in good order, laying a good foundation for the smooth development of summer grain purchase.

Grain must be harvested well, stored and managed well. Only by continuously improving the security guarantee ability of grain storage and collection can we ensure the "grain return" of summer grain. How to provide quality services and reduce farmers' grain storage losses is an important part of promoting post harvest grain loss reduction. Zhou Guanhua, Director of the Department of Safe Storage and Science and Technology of the State Food and Materials Reserve Bureau, said that he would play a good role in demonstrating 10 million sets of scientific grain storage equipment to effectively solve farmers' "troubles after harvest"; We will give full play to the role of more than 5500 grain post production service centers, provide farmers with food cleaning, drying and other services in a timely manner, promote grain upgrading, and reduce grain post production losses.

While ensuring the safety of grain quantity, we should also improve the quality and freshness of grain storage. In recent years, China has vigorously promoted the construction of storage facilities, and the scale of storage facilities has increased year by year, effectively meeting the needs of grain storage. By the end of last year, the intact storage capacity of national standard grain warehouses had exceeded 700 million tons, an increase of 36% over 2014. There are various types of granaries, which can meet different functional needs. Among them, 78% are bungalow warehouses with storage and reserve functions, 12% are silo warehouses with transit functions, and 6% are squat warehouses with storage, reserve and transit functions. Since the "14th Five Year Plan", the country has built, renovated and upgraded more than 65 million tons of storage capacity, significantly improved the key performance of warehouses, such as air tightness and heat insulation, and continuously upgraded the efficiency and performance of green grain storage in granaries. Continuously strengthen the standardization of storage management, promote the application of green grain storage technology, and significantly improve the quality and freshness storage capacity of grain. By the end of last year, the country had realized 200 million tons of low-temperature and quasi low-temperature grain storage capacity and 55 million tons of air-conditioned grain storage capacity; The comprehensive loss rate in the storage period of state-owned grain depot shall be controlled within a reasonable range of 1%.

Grain purchase is the key link of grain circulation, involving many subjects and large capital flow, and has always been the focus of food law enforcement and supervision. Zhong Haitao, director of the Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau of the State Food and Materials Reserve Bureau, said that in order to do a good job in the summer grain purchase in 2024, he will strictly perform his regulatory responsibilities, continue to strengthen supervision and law enforcement during the summer grain purchase, crack down on grain related violations, and will never condone the discovery and investigation of one illegal act such as pit farmers and farmers. At the same time, we will timely report typical cases of violations of laws and regulations to play a warning and deterrent role.

The safety management of grain operations concerns the life safety of grain practitioners and the people, and it is of great responsibility and significance to do a good job in production safety. Chen Lin, Deputy Director of the Emergency Materials Reserve Department of the State Food and Materials Reserve Bureau, said that all localities should strictly implement the main responsibility and regulatory responsibility for safe production, strengthen the safety management of grain purchase operations, continue to promote the standardization, standardization, intelligence, specialization, efficiency and responsibility implementation of safe production, and resolutely prevent all kinds of safety accidents. (Reporter Liu Hui)

Edited by: Cui Shuyin