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There are many places in North China or the first high temperature in this year. The southwest area is overcast and rainy. There are heavy rains in local areas

10:07, May 16, 2024 | Source: China Weather Network Share to:  

Yesterday (May 15), under the influence of cold air, North China, Huang Huai and other places welcomed a brief cooling. However, from this day to the weekend, the above areas will start a continuous warming mode, with temperatures in many places "surging", or the first hot weather in this year. The public should pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling. In terms of precipitation, today and tomorrow, there will be heavy rain or rainstorm in western and southern Guizhou, eastern and southern Yunnan, and western Guangxi. The local government needs to be careful about the occurrence of secondary disasters.

The temperature is climbing! Many places in North China will welcome the first hot weather this year

Yesterday, with the cold air moving southward, North China, Huang Huai and other places experienced a brief cooling, but the cooling time was short at the beginning of summer, and it was normal for the temperature to rise rapidly after the cooling.

From the 17th to the 19th, there will be a high temperature of more than 35 ℃ in some areas of South Xinjiang Basin, North China Plain, Huang Huai River and other places, and the local gas temperature may even exceed 37 ℃. Among provincial capital cities, Xi'an, Zhengzhou and Jinan are expected to welcome the first high temperature weather in this year, which is generally earlier than the normal year, and Xi'an and Zhengzhou will suffer from the "two strikes" of high temperature.

The warm degree in the south is far less than that in the north. Due to more clouds and rain in many places, the temperature is generally lower than that in the same period of the year. The highest temperature in most parts of Jiangnan is about 30 ℃, and the temperature in the north and south is inverted.

Most of the precipitation in China is scarce. There are scattered heavy precipitation in Guizhou and Guangxi

In terms of precipitation, today and tomorrow, most of our country is sunny, and the rain is mainly concentrated in parts of southwest and southern China. Today, there are moderate to heavy rains in parts of southwest Sichuan, western Guizhou, eastern and southern Yunnan, western Guangxi, Hainan Island and southeast Tibet, among which, there are heavy rains in southern Yunnan, eastern Guizhou and western Guizhou; There are thunderstorms, strong winds or hail weather in central Shanxi, central and southern Hebei, northern Henan and southern Shandong.


Tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of eastern Qinghai, southern Sichuan, western Chongqing, Guizhou, eastern and southern Yunnan, northern and western Guangxi, Hainan Island, and southeastern Tibet, among which, there will be heavy rain in parts of southwestern Guizhou, northwestern Guangxi, and local heavy rain.


Today and tomorrow, precipitation is scarce in most parts of China, but it is rainy in southwest China. Some areas in Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi may be hit by heavy rain, so local people need to guard against secondary disasters. Around the weekend, the rainfall in South China will increase again, and heavy rain may reappear in some places such as southern Jiangnan and South China. The public needs to pay attention to the near warning and forecasting information and pay attention to traffic safety.

Edited by: Cui Shuyin